I've had this sonar module for about 4 months now. Since this weekend will be too cold to fly I figure I'll work on cleaning up the wiring on the FPV goggles and getting this wired up and configured.
I like how the module looks like Johny 5....

It should be actually quite easy to get setup and configure. Just need to solder some leads from those 4 pins to pre-existing pins on the flight control board. The software I use to tune/configure/tweak settings on that board is already pre-configured to accept sonar modules so it should (hopefully) be pretty straight forward.
This will be used to assist with collision avoidance with... the ground.
Unsure how fast/responsive it will be but I'm hoping that when doing low proximity flying this will assist maintaining some minimal distance from the ground and want to do some tests where hills/slopes are invovled.
I've seen tests where this same module was used to have a quad 'climb stairs' without additional throttle input from the operator to make it increase it's height. It just detects the distance from the ground and automatically adjusts motor speed to maintain a set distance.