
RamNode looking for a new panel


New Member
Verified Provider
Nick contacted us about purchasing Stallion 2 but I wasn't interested.

To be honest Stallion 2 took me 3 months to push out the initial build that we launched. I since then added backups, /64 assignment, KVM templates, redesigned a few of the pages, etc. While 3 months isn't long, I knew exactly how I wanted to do things from the get go. I have enough years of experience to know what needs to be done on the OS side, etc.

Personally I feel the budget is low if he's wanting a ground up fully in-house solution.

20K is like 4 months of salary of a Junior developer here. Depends on expectatiosn I guess :)

It's like 1-2 months for a senior.

Sigh at expensive wages.


Article Submitter
Verified Provider
DigitalOcean has their million dollar funding for their panel, Nick does not. :(


Active Member
@concerto49, well wow where ever you live, must be good to work there as Developer. 

Myself, I'm a developer with college education and yet I have not been able to find work, well paid as developer. Everybody wants stuff almost for free. 

So I ended up doing my own business, which is rather very difficult, no secure salary, etc etc.

The economy is going down everywhere.


New Member
Verified Provider
@concerto49, well wow where ever you live, must be good to work there as Developer. 

Myself, I'm a developer with college education and yet I have not been able to find work, well paid as developer. Everybody wants stuff almost for free. 

So I ended up doing my own business, which is rather very difficult, no secure salary, etc etc.

The economy is going down everywhere.
Not really. Just the cost of living is high here. Everything is expensive and often you get worse products compared to other countries. That's all a balance game. it depends on what you want. If you like travel and buying big common items, such as iPhone then it might be good. However things like food are 10x as expensive as many other places.

D. Strout

Resident IPv6 Proponent
Looking at the features makes me think he wants to make Ramnode another DO/Vultr look alike :)
Why, just because he wants hourly billing? I don't think so. Hourly billing is just one of the things that Nick is looking for, I'm sure that the current plans will remain intact, he just wants to expand his options. I'm most looking forward to the option of a /64.


Active Member
Probably goes without saying... but a lot of these pieces are part of OpenStack.  Ceiliometer provides billing metering.  Ovz drivers for Nova.  The only part that makes me cry is WHMCS integration, but ModulesGarden is tackling that.  

It'd be nice if these components get one more test user ;)


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
One login, integrating with WHMCS

Definitely will put RamNode at the top of the league in terms of VPS providers.
I view the "integrating with WHMCS" request  as a negative.  He should drop WHMCS too (which has as many problems as SolusVM, if not more) and go for a panel that integrates both billing and VPS management.   There are several Solus-free WHMCS-free VPS/cloud providers with integrated panels developed in house(although none of them target the low end segment).

Hostguard, Stallion, Feathur as well as prometeus's iw-stack (which I'm not sure if they have a custom panel as I've never used their service)
iwStack isn't custom, they use CloudStack.  One of my favorite in house VPS management panels is KiwiVM developed by IT7 (BandwagonHost/VPSBlast).


The ocean is digital
+1 for the awesomeness that is KiwiVM. It was alright, but then they added self node migration. I mean come on, that's almost too much awesomeness in one panel.

Nick should throw out some discussion of licensing a product from them, just saying :)


Why, just because he wants hourly billing? I don't think so. Hourly billing is just one of the things that Nick is looking for, I'm sure that the current plans will remain intact, he just wants to expand his options. I'm most looking forward to the option of a /64.
Thin provisioning, compression, ability to create & destroy VMs on demand and backups & snapshots. SolusVM does not support most of these features but DO/Vultr have them.HA, automatic failovers would make it true cloud otherwise it really would be DO/Vultr looks alike


vpsBoard Premium Member
Not really. Just the cost of living is high here. Everything is expensive and often you get worse products compared to other countries. That's all a balance game. it depends on what you want. If you like travel and buying big common items, such as iPhone then it might be good. However things like food are 10x as expensive as many other places.
Not sure where you are but I agree with your general sentiment.  The first world is very expensive.

In the USA, there are no good developers making less than $100K per year.  There are plenty of developers making less than that doing tweaks to Visual Basic.NET gas station point of sale terminals or writing Wordpress plugins in php, but every good developer I know who has at least 5-7 years as a full time developer is making well north of $100K.

The only exceptions are recently graduated students who lack much time on their resumes.

If you think that's a lot of money, consider that

  • Most of them live in places where the government takes half in income tax
  • Most of them live in places where a 2-bedroom house costs $500K-700K
  • Many have tens of thousands of dollars in student debt before their first paycheck
  • Their actual salary is +50% higher because the employer picks up various government requirements, health insurance, etc.
  • All of them can be terminated at any time for any (or no) reason without notice, so there is no job security.  I guess you could say market demand is the only job security in the US.


Provider of the year (2014)
I think the WHMCS integration part brings the cost down since it doesn't have to be standalone. I received plenty of scoffing the last time I tried finding someone to replace WHMCS, so we're sticking with it for now. I think from a client's point of view, it would be best to go that route for now. That is assuming WHMCS zero days don't start popping up all over the place again (we can hope, right?).

I certainly hope this doesn't take 6 - 12 months since the consensus seems to be the groundwork is already out there. I guess I just need someone to put it all together in a nice, neat package for me. I listed the budget at $25k on some other websites. I'm willing to pay more if justified.


New Member
Verified Provider
I think the WHMCS integration part brings the cost down since it doesn't have to be standalone. I received plenty of scoffing the last time I tried finding someone to replace WHMCS, so we're sticking with it for now. I think from a client's point of view, it would be best to go that route for now. That is assuming WHMCS zero days don't start popping up all over the place again (we can hope, right?).

I certainly hope this doesn't take 6 - 12 months since the consensus seems to be the groundwork is already out there. I guess I just need someone to put it all together in a nice, neat package for me. I listed the budget at $25k on some other websites. I'm willing to pay more if justified.
I would say whmcs increases cost as you'd have to hack around it. As to security... anyone that's looked at it knows it's errr broken.

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
I'm still waiting for mtwiscool to step forward and release a Frontpage-developed 'panel beta' during one of these weekly 'new project' embarrassments.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Unsure if he'd be interested but @Novacha is a solid dude and created the advertising system and DailyServerDeals coding, all in Python. Figured I'd give him a mention.

Whatever happens and whoever Nick hires, I do look forward to seeing the panel come to completion. It's great there are providers out there who are trying to do their own thing, and in an industry full of 'cookie cutter' hosts who all look the same I love that there is a big push for new panels, custom stuff, etc. So props for that!