
Recommend web comics

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Haha, ooooh boy.  Webcomics in the morning from my private RSS is pretty much daily ritual during binge drin breakfast... ones I'd recommend would be:

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New Member
we should put this body of knowledge somewhere sticky. This is one of the most important information I collected in the last 2 years I join VPS community

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Oooh, nice.  Added to my list.

Incidentally, I recently removed LICD and LFG.  The quality of both has just been shite lately, and I was sick of my RSS feed being filled with Sohmer's begging for money and ridiculous excuses on why he's collected from multiple kickstarters, but keeps cancelling/indefinately postponing what he was trying to plug.