@willie - Most of the ASICs are only good for generating bitcoin. You literally can't do anything else with them.
I've done some math for everyone's viewing pleasure.
In a given hunt for one 12 character password you might end up going through 2^256 hashes to find the user's password among them:
That's: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936 hashes
Let's say you had 10 FPGA mining modals which could theoretically be converted for your purpose and you were able to store every single hash you generate (something bitcoin mining doesn't do). You would be generating 5,000,000 hashes per second... so at that rate you'd be able to find every password known to man in:
~734348612616160549363083365098223667258181029081941679600821816 years
(Proof: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=round%5B%28%28%28%28%282%5E256+%2F+5000000%29+%2F+60%29+%2F+60%29+%2F24%29+%2F+365%29%5D)
Let's say you magically came across the sum total of all mining hardware in existence and magically converted it for your purpose. Then you'd have 600 Trillion hashes per second (to my knowledge, willing to be proven wrong)... Your hardware would then be able to determine every hash in:
6119571771801337911359028042485197227151508575682847330 years
(Proof: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=round%5B%28%28%28%28%282%5E256+%2F+600000000000000%29+%2F+60%29+%2F+60%29+%2F24%29+%2F+365%29%5D)
So I'd say that our password hashing is safe for a while...
I've done some math for everyone's viewing pleasure.
In a given hunt for one 12 character password you might end up going through 2^256 hashes to find the user's password among them:
That's: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936 hashes
Let's say you had 10 FPGA mining modals which could theoretically be converted for your purpose and you were able to store every single hash you generate (something bitcoin mining doesn't do). You would be generating 5,000,000 hashes per second... so at that rate you'd be able to find every password known to man in:
~734348612616160549363083365098223667258181029081941679600821816 years
(Proof: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=round%5B%28%28%28%28%282%5E256+%2F+5000000%29+%2F+60%29+%2F+60%29+%2F24%29+%2F+365%29%5D)
Let's say you magically came across the sum total of all mining hardware in existence and magically converted it for your purpose. Then you'd have 600 Trillion hashes per second (to my knowledge, willing to be proven wrong)... Your hardware would then be able to determine every hash in:
6119571771801337911359028042485197227151508575682847330 years
(Proof: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=round%5B%28%28%28%28%282%5E256+%2F+600000000000000%29+%2F+60%29+%2F+60%29+%2F24%29+%2F+365%29%5D)
So I'd say that our password hashing is safe for a while...