I have no hands on experience, but assuming there is no overselling involved in this, watching bandwidth price ($/GB) on vps providers (linode: 0.01 , knownhost: 0.01 , ramnode,chicagovps,digitalocean: 0.005 to .01 , ovh: 0.001 and less), most of them tend to be 5 to 10+ times cheaper than the CDN counterparts (cdnplanet.com has a list of CDNs).
i.e cdn77 is 5 times costlier, ther rest are 10 times (or more) costlier. So, unless you really require a CDN (for search engine benefit?, etc) or you don't care about bandwidth costs, you don't need to go for a CDN I think. On the aspect of reducing downtime, may be multiple (2 or 3) vps/dedicated can be used.
I can't believe the ovh pricing, is it really true (ovh 100+ times cheaper than cloudfront)? Their SoYouStart servers (soyoustart.com/us/essential-servers.xml) claim 250 Mbps bandwidth. Assuming 12 hours of usage per day, it amounts to 40 TB per month bandwidth (250 / 8 * 60 * 60 * 12 * 30 / 1024). Price range of $42 to $63, means 0.001 to 0.0015 per GB.
Any one using them? Again, Is it really true?