Cheers!Quote said:Issues with Skype status and calling
By Leonas Sendrauskas on September 21, 2015.
Updated 11:00 UTC
We have detected an issue that is affecting Skype in a number of ways.
Many users have had success using Skype for Web to send instant messages and make Skype calls. You can access Skype for Web at:
- If you’re signed in to Skype, you will not be able to change your status and your contacts will all show as offline even if they are online. As a result, you won’t be able to start Skype calls to them.
- A small number of messages to group chats are not being delivered, but in most cases you can still instant message your contacts.
- If you aren’t signed in to Skype, you may be experiencing difficulty when attempting to sign in.
- Any changes to your Skype account such as your Credit balance or your profile details might take a little while to be displayed.
- You may also have difficulty loading web pages on the Skype Community. For that reason, please check back here for future updates.
We’re doing everything we can to fix this issue and hope to have another update for you soon. Thank you for your patience as we work to get this incident resolved.
So much for Skype and any distributed or P2P design these days.
Long overdue to jump ship, or at least diversify to something. What are others out there liking? Long been a fan of Jabber. ToxIM is a another project that has been interesting (wasn't mature enough last time I tried it out).
Been having issues all day and I still am..
Sucks because I had some pretty important things to discuss today and I mainly use Skype for everything.
So much for Skype and any distributed or P2P design these days.
Long overdue to jump ship, or at least diversify to something. What are others out there liking? Long been a fan of Jabber. ToxIM is a another project that has been interesting (wasn't mature enough last time I tried it out).
So much for Skype and any distributed or P2P design these days.
Long overdue to jump ship, or at least diversify to something. What are others out there liking? Long been a fan of Jabber. ToxIM is a another project that has been interesting (wasn't mature enough last time I tried it out).
Oh I knowJabber (XMPP) is a protocol, not a chat service. We run an internal chat server based on XMPP and it's rock solid (and distributed/HA for that matter in our setup).
For both clients and serversOh I knowJabber (XMPP) is a protocol, not a chat service. We run an internal chat server based on XMPP and it's rock solid (and distributed/HA for that matter in our setup).splitting gray hairs
That's what is nice about Jabber, not corn holed into some one hallway, no outlet decision.
What I'm curious about is Jitsi and how they incoprorated the video chat into their client when XMPP is mostly for text (iirc).
Also, I kinda wish Jitsi operated more like Skype in the UI department but of course beggers can't be choosers.