
SNI Proxy & Bind in Ubuntu


New Member
Verified Provider
This quick guide may be useful to those looking for an alternative to VNC (e.g. or X2Go. In short you will be able to use your VPS as a DNS server and a selective proxy server, i.e. you'll have to specify the websites that Bind and SNI Proxy should communicate with. This will allow you to browse the internet with two different IP addresses depending on the websites you load.

For the sake of brevity and amusement, the Bind config here is super minimal and the naming is non-standard. If you're new to DNS, you may want to supplement or cross reference it with something like

The following has been tested in Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit. If you would prefer not to use Bind, a similar effect can be acheived with Dnsmasq. Okay, so,

1. Install Bind.

apt-get install bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc
2. Install the required packages for sniproxy.

apt-get install git build-essential autotools-dev cdbs debhelper dh-autoreconf dpkg-dev gettext libev-dev libpcre3-dev libudns-dev pkg-config fakeroot3. Build and install it.

git clone
cd sniproxy
./ && dpkg-buildpackage
dpkg -i ../sniproxy_0.4.0_i386.deb4. Configure Bind. We will be using for the test site (or any site of your choosing). Replace "" with the IP address of your VPS.

nano /etc/bind/named.conf.options

options {
directory "/var/cache/bind";

recursion yes;
allow-query { noetics; };

dnssec-validation auto;

auth-nxdomain no;
listen-on-v6 { any; };

acl "noetics" {
    nano /etc/bind/zones.noetics

    zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.noetics";
    nano /etc/bind/db.noetics

    $TTL  86400

    @   IN  SOA ns1 root (
                1234561969  ; serial
                604800      ; refresh 1w
                86400       ; retry 1d
                2419200     ; expiry 4w
                86400       ; minimum TTL 1d

        IN  NS  ns1
    ns1 IN  A
    @   IN  A
    *   IN  A
    nano /etc/bind/named.conf

    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";
    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";
    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";
    include "/etc/bind/zones.noetics";
5. Configure SNI Proxy. Again, sublate "" into your VPS IP.

nano /etc/sniproxy.conf

user daemon
pidfile /var/tmp/

listen 80 {
proto http
fallback localhost:8080

listen 443 {
proto tls

table {
whatismyip\.com *
    nano /etc/default/sniproxy

    DAEMON_ARGS="-c /etc/sniproxy.conf"
6. Beep boop start it up and reboot your VPS.

service bind9 start; service sniproxy restart; reboot
7. Change the DNS settings on the device you use to connect to the internet to your new DNS server:

8. Go to If it worked, the IP address of your VPS will appear. Edit /etc/bind/zones.noetics and /etc/sniproxy.conf to add more sites. The End.
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New Member
Verified Provider
Guess I shouldn't necessarily describe this as an 'alternative' to a VNC server or X2Go. Maybe your privacy concerns have reached an extent where you would want to experiment with the above in conjunction with a remote desktop. This tutorial is only a basic example. The practical application and level of complexity is, of course, contextual and up to you.


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Funny thing.  I actually use this on one of my VPS for Netflix and Spotify (DNS Server on my local home router of course).  Having the ability to set up selective routing via DNS is such a beautiful thing.  Now I no longer need to be on my VPN to access Netflix and Pandora.  Instead, I can watch Netflix while also access sites that don't require my proxy.  It's the best of both worlds.  Although you should really set up either a firewall rule or something because your configuration allows anyone to use the VPS as an open proxy (for the sites the SNI Proxy works for). 

Overall, good post.  I use my SNI Proxy almost daily but I forgot about it mostly since it's practically invisible.  
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New Member
Verified Provider
It's the best of both worlds.  Although you should really set up either a firewall rule or something because your configuration allows anyone to use the VPS as an open proxy (for the sites the SNI Proxy works for).

Yeah, I was waiting for someone to jump in with that. If your needs involve erecting a wall of fire whilst Moses crosses the Red Sea, you may also want to consider adding an ACL group in named.conf.options to allow for only trusted connections.
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New Member
Verified Provider
To clarify, the above configuration doesn't really function as an open proxy.

If you want it to, you can use wild cards instead of specifying domains.


zone "." { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.noetics"; };

table {
    .*\.com$ *
    .*\.net$ *
    .*\.org$ *
If you still want to firewall it up afterwards but don't feel comfortable in iptables, Ubuntu's 'Uncomplicated Firewall' might be a place to start.
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New Member
Verified Provider
.*\.abogado *
.*\.ac *
.*\.academy *
.*\.accountant *
.*\.accountants *
.*\.actor *
.*\.ad *
.*\.adult *
.*\.ae *
.*\.aero *
.*\.af *
.*\.africa *
.*\ *
.*\.ag *
.*\.agency *
.*\.ai *
.*\.airforce *
.*\.al *
.*\.alsace *
.*\.am *
.*\.amsterdam *
.*\.apartments *
.*\.aq *
.*\.archi *
.*\.army *
.*\ *
.*\.as *
.*\.asia *
.*\ *
.*\.associates *
.*\.at *
.*\.attorney *
.*\.auction *
.*\.audio *
.*\.aw *
.*\.az *
.*\.ba *
.*\.band *
.*\.bar *
.*\.bargains *
.*\.bayern *
.*\.bb *
.*\.be *
.*\.beer *
.*\.berlin *
.*\.best *
.*\.bf *
.*\.bg *
.*\.bh *
.*\.bi *
.*\.bid *
.*\.bike *
.*\.bingo *
.*\.bio *
.*\.biz *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.bj *
.*\ *
.*\.black *
.*\.blackfriday *
.*\ *
.*\.blue *
.*\.bm *
.*\.bo *
.*\.boutique *
.*\.brussels *
.*\.bs *
.*\.build *
.*\.builders *
.*\.business *
.*\.buzz *
.*\.by *
.*\.bz *
.*\.bzh *
.*\.ca *
.*\.cab *
.*\.cafe *
.*\.camera *
.*\.camp *
.*\.capetown *
.*\.capital *
.*\.cards *
.*\.care *
.*\.careers *
.*\.casa *
.*\.cash *
.*\.casino *
.*\.cat *
.*\.catering *
.*\.cc *
.*\.cd *
.*\.center *
.*\.ceo *
.*\.cf *
.*\.cg *
.*\.ch *
.*\.chat *
.*\.cheap *
.*\.christmas *
.*\.church *
.*\.ci *
.*\.city *
.*\.cl *
.*\.claims *
.*\.cleaning *
.*\.click *
.*\.clinic *
.*\.clothing *
.*\.cloud *
.*\.club *
.*\.cm *
.*\.cn *
.*\.co *
.*\ *
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.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.coach *
.*\.codes *
.*\.coffee *
.*\.college *
.*\.cologne *
.*\.com *
.*\ *
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.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.community *
.*\.company *
.*\.computer *
.*\.condos *
.*\.construction *
.*\.consulting *
.*\.contractors *
.*\.cooking *
.*\.cool *
.*\.coop *
.*\.corsica *
.*\.country *
.*\.coupons *
.*\.courses *
.*\ *
.*\.cr *
.*\.credit *
.*\.creditcard *
.*\.cricket *
.*\.cruises *
.*\.cv *
.*\.cw *
.*\.cx *
.*\.cymru *
.*\.cz *
.*\.dance *
.*\.date *
.*\.dating *
.*\.de *
.*\.deals *
.*\.degree *
.*\.delivery *
.*\.democrat *
.*\.dental *
.*\.dentist *
.*\.desi *
.*\.design *
.*\.diamonds *
.*\.diet *
.*\.digital *
.*\.direct *
.*\.directory *
.*\.discount *
.*\.dj *
.*\.dk *
.*\.dm *
.*\.do *
.*\.dog *
.*\.domains *
.*\.download *
.*\.durban *
.*\.dz *
.*\.earth *
.*\.ec *
.*\ *
.*\.edu *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.education *
.*\.ee *
.*\.eg *
.*\.email *
.*\.energy *
.*\ *
.*\.engineer *
.*\.engineering *
.*\.enterprises *
.*\.equipment *
.*\.es *
.*\.estate *
.*\.etics *
.*\.eu *
.*\.eus *
.*\.events *
.*\.exchange *
.*\.expert *
.*\.exposed *
.*\.express *
.*\.fail *
.*\.faith *
.*\.fans *
.*\.farm *
.*\.fashion *
.*\.fee *
.*\.fi *
.*\.film *
.*\ *
.*\.finance *
.*\.financial *
.*\.fish *
.*\.fishing *
.*\.fit *
.*\.fitness *
.*\.flights *
.*\.florist *
.*\.flowers *
.*\.fm *
.*\.fo *
.*\.foo *
.*\.football *
.*\.forsale *
.*\.foundation *
.*\.fr *
.*\.frl *
.*\.fum *
.*\.fund *
.*\.furniture *
.*\.futbol *
.*\.fyi *
.*\.ga *
.*\.gal *
.*\.gallery *
.*\.game *
.*\.garden *
.*\.gd *
.*\.ge *
.*\.gent *
.*\.gf *
.*\.gg *
.*\.gi *
.*\.gift *
.*\.gifts *
.*\.gives *
.*\.gl *
.*\.glass *
.*\.global *
.*\.gm *
.*\.gold *
.*\.golf *
.*\.gp *
.*\.gq *
.*\.gr *
.*\ *
.*\.graphics *
.*\.gratis *
.*\.green *
.*\.gripe *
.*\.gs *
.*\.gt *
.*\.guide *
.*\.guitars *
.*\.guru *
.*\.gy *
.*\.hamburg *
.*\.haus *
.*\.healthcare *
.*\.help *
.*\.hiphop *
.*\.hiv *
.*\.hk *
.*\.hm *
.*\.hn *
.*\.hockey *
.*\.holdings *
.*\.holiday *
.*\.horse *
.*\.host *
.*\.hosting *
.*\.house *
.*\.how *
.*\.hr *
.*\.ht *
.*\.hu *
.*\.id *
.*\.ie *
.*\.im *
.*\.immo *
.*\.immobilien *
.*\.in *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.industries *
.*\.info *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.ink *
.*\.institute *
.*\.insure *
.*\.int *
.*\.international *
.*\.investments *
.*\.io *
.*\.iq *
.*\.irish *
.*\.is *
.*\ *
.*\.it *
.*\ *
.*\.je *
.*\.jetzt *
.*\.jewelry *
.*\.jo *
.*\.jobs *
.*\.joburg *
.*\.jp *
.*\.juegos *
.*\.kaufen *
.*\.kg *
.*\.ki *
.*\.kim *
.*\.kitchen *
.*\.kiwi *
.*\ *
.*\.kn *
.*\.koeln *
.*\.kr *
.*\.ky *
.*\.kyoto *
.*\.kz *
.*\.la *
.*\.land *
.*\.lat *
.*\.law *
.*\ *
.*\.lawyer *
.*\.lc *
.*\.lease *
.*\.legal *
.*\.lgbt *
.*\.li *
.*\.life *
.*\.lighting *
.*\.limited *
.*\.limo *
.*\.link *
.*\.live *
.*\.lk *
.*\.loan *
.*\.loans *
.*\.lol *
.*\.london *
.*\.love *
.*\.lt *
.*\.ltda *
.*\.lu *
.*\.luxury *
.*\.lv *
.*\.ly *
.*\.ma *
.*\.maison *
.*\.management *
.*\.market *
.*\.marketing *
.*\.markets *
.*\.mba *
.*\.mc *
.*\.md *
.*\.me *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.media *
.*\.meet *
.*\.melbourne *
.*\.memorial *
.*\.men *
.*\.menu *
.*\.mg *
.*\.miami *
.*\.mk *
.*\.ml *
.*\.mn *
.*\.mo *
.*\.mobi *
.*\.moda *
.*\.moe *
.*\.money *
.*\.mortgage *
.*\.moscow *
.*\.movie *
.*\.mp *
.*\.mq *
.*\.mr *
.*\.ms *
.*\ *
.*\.mu *
.*\.museum *
.*\.mv *
.*\.mw *
.*\.mx *
.*\.my *
.*\ *
.*\.na *
.*\.nagoya *
.*\.name *
.*\.navy *
.*\.nc *
.*\.ne *
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.*\.net *
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.*\.network *
.*\.news *
.*\.nf *
.*\.ng *
.*\.ni *
.*\.ninja *
.*\.nl *
.*\.no *
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.*\.nr *
.*\.nrw *
.*\.nu *
.*\.nyc *
.*\.nz *
.*\.okinawa *
.*\.om *
.*\.one *
.*\.onl *
.*\.online *
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.*\.org *
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.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.organic *
.*\.osaka *
.*\.pa *
.*\.paris *
.*\.partners *
.*\.parts *
.*\.party *
.*\.pe *
.*\.pf *
.*\.ph *
.*\.pharmacy *
.*\.photo *
.*\.photography *
.*\.photos *
.*\.physio *
.*\.pics *
.*\.pictures *
.*\.pink *
.*\.pizza *
.*\.pk *
.*\.pl *
.*\.place *
.*\.plumbing *
.*\.plus *
.*\.pm *
.*\.pn *
.*\.poker *
.*\.porn *
.*\ *
.*\.pr *
.*\.press *
.*\.pro *
.*\.productions *
.*\.properties *
.*\.property *
.*\.ps *
.*\.pt *
.*\.pub *
.*\.pw *
.*\.qa *
.*\.qpon *
.*\.quebec *
.*\.racing *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.re *
.*\.recipes *
.*\.red *
.*\.rehab *
.*\.reise *
.*\.reisen *
.*\.rent *
.*\.rentals *
.*\.repair *
.*\.report *
.*\.republican *
.*\.rest *
.*\.restaurant *
.*\.review *
.*\.reviews *
.*\.rich *
.*\.rio *
.*\.rip *
.*\.ro *
.*\.rocks *
.*\.rodeo *
.*\.rs *
.*\.ru *
.*\.ruhr *
.*\.run *
.*\.rw *
.*\.ryukyu *
.*\.sa *
.*\.saarland *
.*\.sale *
.*\.sarl *
.*\.sc *
.*\.school *
.*\.schule *
.*\.science *
.*\.scot *
.*\.se *
.*\.services *
.*\.sex *
.*\.sexy *
.*\.sg *
.*\.sh *
.*\ *
.*\.shiksha *
.*\.shoes *
.*\.show *
.*\.si *
.*\.singles *
.*\.site *
.*\.sk *
.*\.ski *
.*\.sl *
.*\.sm *
.*\.sn *
.*\.soccer *
.*\.social *
.*\.software *
.*\.solar *
.*\.solutions *
.*\.soy *
.*\.space *
.*\ *
.*\.sr *
.*\.srl *
.*\.st *
.*\.studio *
.*\.study *
.*\.style *
.*\.su *
.*\.sucks *
.*\.supplies *
.*\.supply *
.*\.support *
.*\.surf *
.*\.surgery *
.*\.sv *
.*\.swiss *
.*\.sx *
.*\.sydney *
.*\.systems *
.*\.taipei *
.*\.tatar *
.*\.tattoo *
.*\.tax *
.*\.taxi *
.*\.tc *
.*\.team *
.*\.tech *
.*\.technology *
.*\.tel *
.*\ *
.*\.tennis *
.*\.tf *
.*\.tg *
.*\.theater *
.*\.tickets *
.*\.tienda *
.*\.tips *
.*\.tires *
.*\.tirol *
.*\.tj *
.*\.tk *
.*\.tl *
.*\.tm *
.*\ *
.*\.tn *
.*\.to *
.*\.today *
.*\.tokyo *
.*\.tools *
.*\.top *
.*\.tours *
.*\.town *
.*\.toys *
.*\.trade *
.*\.trading *
.*\.training *
.*\.travel *
.*\.tt *
.*\.tv *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.tw *
.*\.ua *
.*\.ug *
.*\.uk *
.*\.university *
.*\.uno *
.*\.us *
.*\.uy *
.*\.uz *
.*\.vacations *
.*\.vc *
.*\.vegas *
.*\.ventures *
.*\.versicherung *
.*\.vet *
.*\.vg *
.*\.viajes *
.*\.video *
.*\.villas *
.*\.vision *
.*\.vlaanderen *
.*\.vn *
.*\.vodka *
.*\.vote *
.*\.voting *
.*\.voto *
.*\.voyage *
.*\.vu *
.*\.wales *
.*\.wang *
.*\.watch *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.webcam *
.*\.website *
.*\.wedding *
.*\.wf *
.*\.whoswho *
.*\.wien *
.*\ *
.*\.wiki *
.*\.win *
.*\.work *
.*\.works *
.*\.world *
.*\.ws *
.*\.wtf *
.*\.xxx *
.*\.xyz *
.*\.ye *
.*\.yoga *
.*\.yokohama *
.*\.yt *
.*\.zone *
.*\.москва *
.*\.شبكة *
.*\.موقع *
.*\.みんな *
.*\.中文网 *
.*\.商标 *
.*\.在线 *
.*\.移动 *
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New Member
Thanks Matt, will try this tonight. Definitely will be better than connecting to VPN for using only 2 site. 


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
I don't see why not.  Netflix blocks specific VPN/Proxy IPs if I recall correctly.  They don't block the SNI Proxy system (or more like can't).
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New Member
.*\.abogado *
.*\.ac *
.*\.academy *
.*\.accountant *
.*\.accountants *
.*\.actor *
.*\.ad *
.*\.adult *
.*\.ae *
.*\.aero *
.*\.af *
.*\.africa *
.*\ *
.*\.ag *
.*\.agency *
.*\.ai *
.*\.airforce *
.*\.al *
.*\.alsace *
.*\.am *
.*\.amsterdam *
.*\.apartments *
.*\.aq *
.*\.archi *
.*\.army *
.*\ *
.*\.as *
.*\.asia *
.*\ *
.*\.associates *
.*\.at *
.*\.attorney *
.*\.auction *
.*\.audio *
.*\.aw *
.*\.az *
.*\.ba *
.*\.band *
.*\.bar *
.*\.bargains *
.*\.bayern *
.*\.bb *
.*\.be *
.*\.beer *
.*\.berlin *
.*\.best *
.*\.bf *
.*\.bg *
.*\.bh *
.*\.bi *
.*\.bid *
.*\.bike *
.*\.bingo *
.*\.bio *
.*\.biz *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.bj *
.*\ *
.*\.black *
.*\.blackfriday *
.*\ *
.*\.blue *
.*\.bm *
.*\.bo *
.*\.boutique *
.*\.brussels *
.*\.bs *
.*\.build *
.*\.builders *
.*\.business *
.*\.buzz *
.*\.by *
.*\.bz *
.*\.bzh *
.*\.ca *
.*\.cab *
.*\.cafe *
.*\.camera *
.*\.camp *
.*\.capetown *
.*\.capital *
.*\.cards *
.*\.care *
.*\.careers *
.*\.casa *
.*\.cash *
.*\.casino *
.*\.cat *
.*\.catering *
.*\.cc *
.*\.cd *
.*\.center *
.*\.ceo *
.*\.cf *
.*\.cg *
.*\.ch *
.*\.chat *
.*\.cheap *
.*\.christmas *
.*\.church *
.*\.ci *
.*\.city *
.*\.cl *
.*\.claims *
.*\.cleaning *
.*\.click *
.*\.clinic *
.*\.clothing *
.*\.cloud *
.*\.club *
.*\.cm *
.*\.cn *
.*\.co *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
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.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.coach *
.*\.codes *
.*\.coffee *
.*\.college *
.*\.cologne *
.*\.com *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
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.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.community *
.*\.company *
.*\.computer *
.*\.condos *
.*\.construction *
.*\.consulting *
.*\.contractors *
.*\.cooking *
.*\.cool *
.*\.coop *
.*\.corsica *
.*\.country *
.*\.coupons *
.*\.courses *
.*\ *
.*\.cr *
.*\.credit *
.*\.creditcard *
.*\.cricket *
.*\.cruises *
.*\.cv *
.*\.cw *
.*\.cx *
.*\.cymru *
.*\.cz *
.*\.dance *
.*\.date *
.*\.dating *
.*\.de *
.*\.deals *
.*\.degree *
.*\.delivery *
.*\.democrat *
.*\.dental *
.*\.dentist *
.*\.desi *
.*\.design *
.*\.diamonds *
.*\.diet *
.*\.digital *
.*\.direct *
.*\.directory *
.*\.discount *
.*\.dj *
.*\.dk *
.*\.dm *
.*\.do *
.*\.dog *
.*\.domains *
.*\.download *
.*\.durban *
.*\.dz *
.*\.earth *
.*\.ec *
.*\ *
.*\.edu *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.education *
.*\.ee *
.*\.eg *
.*\.email *
.*\.energy *
.*\ *
.*\.engineer *
.*\.engineering *
.*\.enterprises *
.*\.equipment *
.*\.es *
.*\.estate *
.*\.etics *
.*\.eu *
.*\.eus *
.*\.events *
.*\.exchange *
.*\.expert *
.*\.exposed *
.*\.express *
.*\.fail *
.*\.faith *
.*\.fans *
.*\.farm *
.*\.fashion *
.*\.fee *
.*\.fi *
.*\.film *
.*\ *
.*\.finance *
.*\.financial *
.*\.fish *
.*\.fishing *
.*\.fit *
.*\.fitness *
.*\.flights *
.*\.florist *
.*\.flowers *
.*\.fm *
.*\.fo *
.*\.foo *
.*\.football *
.*\.forsale *
.*\.foundation *
.*\.fr *
.*\.frl *
.*\.fum *
.*\.fund *
.*\.furniture *
.*\.futbol *
.*\.fyi *
.*\.ga *
.*\.gal *
.*\.gallery *
.*\.game *
.*\.garden *
.*\.gd *
.*\.ge *
.*\.gent *
.*\.gf *
.*\.gg *
.*\.gi *
.*\.gift *
.*\.gifts *
.*\.gives *
.*\.gl *
.*\.glass *
.*\.global *
.*\.gm *
.*\.gold *
.*\.golf *
.*\.gp *
.*\.gq *
.*\.gr *
.*\ *
.*\.graphics *
.*\.gratis *
.*\.green *
.*\.gripe *
.*\.gs *
.*\.gt *
.*\.guide *
.*\.guitars *
.*\.guru *
.*\.gy *
.*\.hamburg *
.*\.haus *
.*\.healthcare *
.*\.help *
.*\.hiphop *
.*\.hiv *
.*\.hk *
.*\.hm *
.*\.hn *
.*\.hockey *
.*\.holdings *
.*\.holiday *
.*\.horse *
.*\.host *
.*\.hosting *
.*\.house *
.*\.how *
.*\.hr *
.*\.ht *
.*\.hu *
.*\.id *
.*\.ie *
.*\.im *
.*\.immo *
.*\.immobilien *
.*\.in *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.industries *
.*\.info *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.ink *
.*\.institute *
.*\.insure *
.*\.int *
.*\.international *
.*\.investments *
.*\.io *
.*\.iq *
.*\.irish *
.*\.is *
.*\ *
.*\.it *
.*\ *
.*\.je *
.*\.jetzt *
.*\.jewelry *
.*\.jo *
.*\.jobs *
.*\.joburg *
.*\.jp *
.*\.juegos *
.*\.kaufen *
.*\.kg *
.*\.ki *
.*\.kim *
.*\.kitchen *
.*\.kiwi *
.*\ *
.*\.kn *
.*\.koeln *
.*\.kr *
.*\.ky *
.*\.kyoto *
.*\.kz *
.*\.la *
.*\.land *
.*\.lat *
.*\.law *
.*\ *
.*\.lawyer *
.*\.lc *
.*\.lease *
.*\.legal *
.*\.lgbt *
.*\.li *
.*\.life *
.*\.lighting *
.*\.limited *
.*\.limo *
.*\.link *
.*\.live *
.*\.lk *
.*\.loan *
.*\.loans *
.*\.lol *
.*\.london *
.*\.love *
.*\.lt *
.*\.ltda *
.*\.lu *
.*\.luxury *
.*\.lv *
.*\.ly *
.*\.ma *
.*\.maison *
.*\.management *
.*\.market *
.*\.marketing *
.*\.markets *
.*\.mba *
.*\.mc *
.*\.md *
.*\.me *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.media *
.*\.meet *
.*\.melbourne *
.*\.memorial *
.*\.men *
.*\.menu *
.*\.mg *
.*\.miami *
.*\.mk *
.*\.ml *
.*\.mn *
.*\.mo *
.*\.mobi *
.*\.moda *
.*\.moe *
.*\.money *
.*\.mortgage *
.*\.moscow *
.*\.movie *
.*\.mp *
.*\.mq *
.*\.mr *
.*\.ms *
.*\ *
.*\.mu *
.*\.museum *
.*\.mv *
.*\.mw *
.*\.mx *
.*\.my *
.*\ *
.*\.na *
.*\.nagoya *
.*\.name *
.*\.navy *
.*\.nc *
.*\.ne *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.net *
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.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.network *
.*\.news *
.*\.nf *
.*\.ng *
.*\.ni *
.*\.ninja *
.*\.nl *
.*\.no *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.nr *
.*\.nrw *
.*\.nu *
.*\.nyc *
.*\.nz *
.*\.okinawa *
.*\.om *
.*\.one *
.*\.onl *
.*\.online *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.org *
.*\ *
.*\ *
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.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.organic *
.*\.osaka *
.*\.pa *
.*\.paris *
.*\.partners *
.*\.parts *
.*\.party *
.*\.pe *
.*\.pf *
.*\.ph *
.*\.pharmacy *
.*\.photo *
.*\.photography *
.*\.photos *
.*\.physio *
.*\.pics *
.*\.pictures *
.*\.pink *
.*\.pizza *
.*\.pk *
.*\.pl *
.*\.place *
.*\.plumbing *
.*\.plus *
.*\.pm *
.*\.pn *
.*\.poker *
.*\.porn *
.*\ *
.*\.pr *
.*\.press *
.*\.pro *
.*\.productions *
.*\.properties *
.*\.property *
.*\.ps *
.*\.pt *
.*\.pub *
.*\.pw *
.*\.qa *
.*\.qpon *
.*\.quebec *
.*\.racing *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.re *
.*\.recipes *
.*\.red *
.*\.rehab *
.*\.reise *
.*\.reisen *
.*\.rent *
.*\.rentals *
.*\.repair *
.*\.report *
.*\.republican *
.*\.rest *
.*\.restaurant *
.*\.review *
.*\.reviews *
.*\.rich *
.*\.rio *
.*\.rip *
.*\.ro *
.*\.rocks *
.*\.rodeo *
.*\.rs *
.*\.ru *
.*\.ruhr *
.*\.run *
.*\.rw *
.*\.ryukyu *
.*\.sa *
.*\.saarland *
.*\.sale *
.*\.sarl *
.*\.sc *
.*\.school *
.*\.schule *
.*\.science *
.*\.scot *
.*\.se *
.*\.services *
.*\.sex *
.*\.sexy *
.*\.sg *
.*\.sh *
.*\ *
.*\.shiksha *
.*\.shoes *
.*\.show *
.*\.si *
.*\.singles *
.*\.site *
.*\.sk *
.*\.ski *
.*\.sl *
.*\.sm *
.*\.sn *
.*\.soccer *
.*\.social *
.*\.software *
.*\.solar *
.*\.solutions *
.*\.soy *
.*\.space *
.*\ *
.*\.sr *
.*\.srl *
.*\.st *
.*\.studio *
.*\.study *
.*\.style *
.*\.su *
.*\.sucks *
.*\.supplies *
.*\.supply *
.*\.support *
.*\.surf *
.*\.surgery *
.*\.sv *
.*\.swiss *
.*\.sx *
.*\.sydney *
.*\.systems *
.*\.taipei *
.*\.tatar *
.*\.tattoo *
.*\.tax *
.*\.taxi *
.*\.tc *
.*\.team *
.*\.tech *
.*\.technology *
.*\.tel *
.*\ *
.*\.tennis *
.*\.tf *
.*\.tg *
.*\.theater *
.*\.tickets *
.*\.tienda *
.*\.tips *
.*\.tires *
.*\.tirol *
.*\.tj *
.*\.tk *
.*\.tl *
.*\.tm *
.*\ *
.*\.tn *
.*\.to *
.*\.today *
.*\.tokyo *
.*\.tools *
.*\.top *
.*\.tours *
.*\.town *
.*\.toys *
.*\.trade *
.*\.trading *
.*\.training *
.*\.travel *
.*\.tt *
.*\.tv *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.tw *
.*\.ua *
.*\.ug *
.*\.uk *
.*\.university *
.*\.uno *
.*\.us *
.*\.uy *
.*\.uz *
.*\.vacations *
.*\.vc *
.*\.vegas *
.*\.ventures *
.*\.versicherung *
.*\.vet *
.*\.vg *
.*\.viajes *
.*\.video *
.*\.villas *
.*\.vision *
.*\.vlaanderen *
.*\.vn *
.*\.vodka *
.*\.vote *
.*\.voting *
.*\.voto *
.*\.voyage *
.*\.vu *
.*\.wales *
.*\.wang *
.*\.watch *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\ *
.*\.webcam *
.*\.website *
.*\.wedding *
.*\.wf *
.*\.whoswho *
.*\.wien *
.*\ *
.*\.wiki *
.*\.win *
.*\.work *
.*\.works *
.*\.world *
.*\.ws *
.*\.wtf *
.*\.xxx *
.*\.xyz *
.*\.ye *
.*\.yoga *
.*\.yokohama *
.*\.yt *
.*\.zone *
.*\.москва *
.*\.شبكة *
.*\.موقع *
.*\.みんな *
.*\.中文网 *
.*\.商标 *
.*\.在线 *
.*\.移动 *

Instead of adding all of that, why not just add the following?

.*/.* *

BTW, this will only work with Netflix if your VPS' IP range hasn't been blacklisted.  Make sure you don't sub to DigitalOcean, Linode, or BuyVM if you want Netflix US access.