
The cesspit / chat thread.


Verified Provider
In honor of the 100th "anniversary/birthday" of Multnomah Falls


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Verified Provider
Oh nice. Is that arched bridge still back there?

Oh yeah.  It's known for that bridge. Pic's been doctored a little, but Google Images.


You'd probably like Portland... even if just for a vacation. You can bike literally anywhere.  Some idiots.  Tolerable.  I think Fran was here, once... scouting DCs or something.  Not sure if he/they got into anything fun or not.  :p 
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Verified Provider
Kinda makes you wanna paint something Bob Ross-y, doesn't it?

Also, am I the only one who loves his paintings 3/4 of the way in, sees him add something like a gigantic tree, think to myself, "no!  No Bob, no!  Don't do it! You're gonna f*ck it up!" ...and of course it looks awesome in the end anyway.
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Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Bob Ross is awesome. If I had more floor space, time, money and patience I'd probably get some art supplies and paint along with him. I watched him a lot growing up.


Verified Provider
So did I, but by the 20 minute mark I was always out like a light and would wake up to something called "Sewing With Nancy" about an hour or so later.  Some friends of mine wanted me to make a couple of vids of me, painting along with a Bob Ross episode, just to see the results.  I don't think they would be pretty.

Or The Woodwright's Shop... I think it was called.  Dude that would make furniture entirely by hand and elbow grease.  Remember that guy?
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Verified Provider
This afternoon I was at Safeway and I picked up a bag of the Lay's Gyro chips and the NY Reuben.  Ripped open the Gyro bag on the way home, LOL.  Took a couple bites to get used to them, but they really did taste pretty damn close to a Gyro.

Now for the Reuben...


Active Member
So did I, but by the 20 minute mark I was always out like a light and would wake up to something called "Sewing With Nancy" about an hour or so later.  Some friends of mine wanted me to make a couple of vids of me, painting along with a Bob Ross episode, just to see the results.  I don't think they would be pretty.

Or The Woodwright's Shop... I think it was called.  Dude that would make furniture entirely by hand and elbow grease.  Remember that guy?

This is still on in my neck of the woods. I will watch him sometimes. I build canvas and wood canoes but this man has some skills. Me and the neighbor are working a new form right now. Hopefully it will be done by winter, and we can get some canoes built faster.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
This movie comes out in theaters next Friday. I'm pumped. Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors and always makes good movies.


Verified Provider
So did I, but by the 20 minute mark I was always out like a light and would wake up to something called "Sewing With Nancy" about an hour or so later.  Some friends of mine wanted me to make a couple of vids of me, painting along with a Bob Ross episode, just to see the results.  I don't think they would be pretty.

Or The Woodwright's Shop... I think it was called.  Dude that would make furniture entirely by hand and elbow grease.  Remember that guy?

This is still on in my neck of the woods. I will watch him sometimes. I build canvas and wood canoes but this man has some skills. Me and the neighbor are working a new form right now. Hopefully it will be done by winter, and we can get some canoes built faster.
Frankly, if I made some of the stuff he did, I'd probably dislocate an extremity.  But a couple days ago I found this:  15 Times Bob Ross Was EXTREMELY "Bob Ross":


Verified Provider
 Utah twins pregnant with second set of twinsUSA TODAY NETWORKJessica Durando, USA TODAY Network12:03 p.m. PDT September 14, 2015


(Photo: AP)


Two identical twins, who already each have one set of twins, are on their way to have a second set of twins in the spring.

The sisters, Kerri Bunker and Kelli Wall, are due to give birth two weeks apart, KSL-TV reports.

Since the Lindon, Utah, women had difficulties becoming pregnant, they both used in vitro fertilization for their first set of twins, according to the news organization.

"It's a unique story, because I always felt like my twin sister and I had a special bond," Bunker told KSL-TV. "And we've always kind of looked out for one another, and I thought 'oh wouldn't that be fun to have our kids experience that same thing.'"

But the second pregnancy stories have been a bit different. In June, Wall found out she was pregnant again, but the doctor initially told her it would only be one baby. (That is until the ultrasound revealed twins.) For Bunker, although it was unlikely she would get pregnant without medical assistance, she took a pregnancy test the day her sister found out she was expecting, and discovered she was also pregnant, according to KSL-TV.

"It was just one shock after another all summer long," Bunker told the news organization.

What's more? The women are also both teachers at the same school and they wed best friends.
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Verified Provider
LMAO!   Kinda reminds me of this:


I am so powerful and expert that I will send your BULK EMAILS into the RECIPIENT'S INBOX.



Aweber, Getresponse, Mailchimp, this, that, and all of those that's, I have killed them all - 20 of them.

People are leaving them. Thousands are lining up and buying me. I am feeling very proud.

I am very busy sending BULK EMAILS worldwide for my customers because of which I have no time to waste my time nor your time.

So please listen carefully. You don't have a second to breathe here. You have to buy me within 30 minutes or never. This is how my father has programmed me. You can see the TIMER following you on left side. If you do not click the buy now button till the timer runs out, then good bye forever. I will feel that I am no good and will not bother you again. I will spit on myself thinking that I am of no use for my beloved friend.


Within seconds I fly from Japan to America, China to Brazil, this country to that country with just one work and that's the delivery of emails of my customers.

I have no time to sleep, if my FATHER configures me and THROTTLES me to send 1 email per 1 second. At one moment I am in an American server and the next moment I am in an European server, sweeping/flying all the day country to country via the INTERNET CABLES spread across the world and under the sea.

You cannot see me. But I can see all servers. You click SUBMIT and within a millisecond, I reach the destination and come back to you. I am your servant. You can order me to send an email to a HOTMAIL user, or to a YAHOO user or any email address.

- See more at:
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New Member
Verified Provider
"WHITE LISTED WORLDWIDE", nice. No more precious time wasted banging your head against the brick wall of corrupt and negligent organizations like SpamHaus and Barracuda. Thanks DANGEROUS MAILER!
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Content Contributer
Today is another application for employment day... 9 applicants this day.

Got two applicants assigned to me. Will be fun to have yet other unprepared and dull interviews.


New Member
Verified Provider
@wlanboy if you don't mind me asking, who is it that you're hiring for? (& why so cynical!?)
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