I'm also going to add NodeDeploy, MaximumVPS, IPXCore, and OneAsiaHost to this list. Loved NodeDeploy when I had a VM with them (7/month 2GB KVM, was AWESOME). MaximumVPS was perfect for my needs while I had it and Hexxis is an awesome dude. Damian is one awesome fellow and the rest of the team at IPXCore can't be beat! Great uptime, great network (especially for Asia), and mostly it's a no-bullshit ship. Kenshin from OneAsiaHost is a reasonable fantastic guy, and my service with them was great when I had it (I had it to move files from one location to another and to make it easier for me to access it in Asia).
I already have services with most of the providers already mentioned:
- RamNode (Awesome)
- Hostigation (Awesome)
- TortoiseLabs (Awesome)
- Prometeus (Uncle is Awesome)
- SecureDragon (Hosts my main monitoring system and hasn't let me down)
- BuyVM (I bother Aldryic)
- DigitalOcean (Free credits ain't bad)
- CorgiTech (I have a Windows VM with them, runs pretty well for it's purposes)