
Ubuntu Server OpenVZ timezones

D. Strout

Resident IPv6 Proponent
The timezone of many of my VPSes running Ubuntu Server under OpenVZ seems to be set to MSK, or Moscow time. Why is this? I assume it has something to do with the most common OpenVZ template out there? I want to reconfigure the important ones (and eventually all of them), but should I reconfigure them to the timezone they are actually in, or should I set them to GMT/UTC? I'm thinking UTC for convenience: one TZ across all my servers, but what do y'all think?


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mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.old
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Continent/City /etc/localtime
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D. Strout

Resident IPv6 Proponent
I assume that's how to reconfigure the TZ, which is not what I asked. I already know how to do that (I would use dpkg-reconfigure tzdata). What I'm looking for is best practice on timezone usage on servers around the world. In that vein, another option might be to set all machine's TZ to my local one. As it is, a lot of my VPSes are in the same timezone as me, so it might make it simpler for me. I also found this.
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Not to be taken seriously, ever!
When I put something of value on a vps (ie. something I will use for some time, not testing) I always change the timezone to CET. makes it easier to read logs with the same time as myself.