Speaking of "rules and guidelines", what's the deal with this "rMember" crap you guys put on Mao?
It really makes me question the value of participating here if there is going to be the same crap that is on the other board. Might as well use the other board if that's the current direction of things.
Then you haven't been following the drama.
He got upset after I closed his 18+ page thread. I was very patient and genuinely hoping a public resolution would be made between those involved. It became clear no one would man up and apologize to the other party, the thread was locked, and he was asked to resolve it privately.
I guess he was going around with a signature that originally violated the rules by having 5 lines instead of 4. It is shown below:
The following are NOT threats because Francisco said so:If you want to waltz, say so and I'll make sure Sal reconsiders your employment by the end of it.
I'll go provision myself a new VM on your solus in a little bit.
I'm not sure if it translates properly but there's a very simple saying around here, "Peace of mind is a wonderful thing".
Link to the locked topic at his request:
The content itself doesn't really bother me, even if he's just doing it in attempt to troll and get a rise out of people. Martin gave him an infraction for that and temporarily removed his ability to have one. I wasn't around for this, but read the infraction report. And when I checked in on Mao, guess what? He was in the process of editing all of his old posts, directly evading Martin's request and continually trying to be a nuisance.
So that's when I came in and gave him infraction #2 which came with a PM detailing what it was about and additional
temporary and lax restrictions that are in place until Friday.
Comically, despite my patience and effort to work with Mao, he continues to be a nuisance and ignored me by manually inserting it into new posts as he made them.
As per his BuyVM thread he continually says things that hint towards him wanting to get banned here, so I believe he is simply trying to push buttons. Though realistically he's not done anything worthy of one, he's just trying to be difficult and act as if we're trying to 'censor' him. (Which is laughable, his thread is still available to all to be seen, wasn't 'sunk', wasn't hidden in a forum so Google can't see it, etc.).
The punishment is because of him trying to go against Martin's original request, which while may have been vague Mao continually pushed buttons and must have known that manually inserting a signature in all his posts after Martin's original infraction would not be welcomed.
If he's okay with it, I've got two pages of our PM and discussions I can share. Think what you want, but this place is laughably lax and if you think you can get away with that over there, feel free to go try. You won't be given the privilege of being able to discuss the matter with an admin to try to resolve it, you will be censored there and kicked to the curb with the key thrown away. So until Friday, he can't edit his posts, have a signature, or anything like that. He can still post. Seems reasonable and lax punishment to me.
I like Mao, he's been a solid and valuable member here for quite some time but he's been trying to get a rise out of us which isn't wise. I could care less what his beef is with BuyVM, doesn't impact me at all and I don't care. I even sided with him in regards to some things he had to say about all that drama.
The update to the rules was because Mao protested any sort of punishment because there was no 'rule' for what he did. I can't add everything that may happen in the event someone may do something in the future. So the main reason for updating the rules was to make them clearer, easier to understand and to included the bit to respect moderation and admin decisions.
I do not see our actions as a great injustice. If he had an infraction on WHT, and ignored it, was warned again... and then ignored that... he'd not be able to post there anymore. But we are lax and are trying to resolve this with him privately and civilly. Try it over at LET? Good luck. You'll be banned for '2 weeks' and forgotten about.