Why Mac?
Have you considered say, Arch Linux with a "pretty" WM like Cinnamon?
Because I want things to work without tinkering. I used to run Linux but buy a new keyboard, oh right I need to spend two hours trying to get Linux to understand the layout, the backlight button and so on. New mouse, what 3rd button, no idea m8, you need to change this file and that file to make it work. Crashed, re-install, did you remember all the manual changes you made so your hardware all works? No, got that old keyboard that does work so you can actually type to make the other hardware work?
Don't get me wrong, I love Linux, for servers, not for a desktop OS, I want that part of my system to just work and be compatible with everything.
With Mac, I love the magic mouse, love the keyboard, so I have no need to change them. Not so in love with their hardware offering right now though, unless there is a big turnaround this year I will be going back to Windows on a perma basis.
For everything I do the Apple Mac give me the perfect environment coupled with hardware (not so much lately) to do it effortlessly, yes Windows can do it too but in my view not as well or the way I want. If I am forced back to Windows I will make do.
I am not a fanboy like Miller up there, I just love their Mac offerings. But as I say the hardware is just so dated now, having to BTO to get an SSD is just fucking nonsense in this day and age.