Hosting in Houston has developed a plugin for WHMCS that enables you to store your vendor login details securely for you and your staff members to access.
The idea is simple. You have 3rd party logins to manage and need a place to securely store them for you and your staff to access to effectively manage your company and relationship with 3rd party vendors.
Before this module goes public and available for sale, I would like some Beta testers to evaluate and test the module and give me constructive feedback on it.
If you are interested, pleae email admin[at]
The idea is simple. You have 3rd party logins to manage and need a place to securely store them for you and your staff to access to effectively manage your company and relationship with 3rd party vendors.
- Add vendors (Vendor name, login url, username, password and notes)
- Edit Vendors (Vendor name, login url, username, password and notes)
- Delete Vendors
- Hide / Show vendors
- Search Vendors
- Passwords are securely two way encrypted by key set in module settings
- Simple interface, fast and easy to navigate
Before this module goes public and available for sale, I would like some Beta testers to evaluate and test the module and give me constructive feedback on it.
If you are interested, pleae email admin[at]