I have been running cPanel DNSONly on ramnode 256MB-KVM since approx 2 years now. Probably they added it after thatYeah cPanel DNS Only has always had a check in their script to make sure you had the minimum RAM.
SweetI created some special KVM plans because of a lot of interest lately in cPanel DNS Only, I'll throw them out here in case anybody is interested (note that the bandwidth is pretty low compared to our other plans, the CPU is also reduced, and the only OS options are CentOS since that is all cPanel supports).
768MB Dedicated RAM
20GB Disk Space
50GB Bandwidth (allows for over 400,000 DNS Queries, if you need more PM me and I can adjust this for established vpsBoard members)
1 IPv4 Address
16 IPv6 Addresses
1 CPU Core
$1.99/Month OR $19.90/Year
(Stock is limited for both plans because our KVM nodes have limited space left.)
Tampa, FL. -> https://securedragon.net/clients/cart.php?a=add&pid=255
Denver, CO. -> https://securedragon.net/clients/cart.php?a=add&pid=256
How about some anycast?I need more location, anyone?
Because it's not integrated with cPanel directly (Although I believe there are plugins available). Also some people prefer to have more control over their DNS by running it themselves rather than offloading it to a hosted DNS Service. Mostly with the idea that "if you run it yourself then you have more control over it and you're not at the mercy of someone else to fix it if it ever goes down.".i am not experienced but...
why not use a hosted dns service like powerdns.net ?
its only $4/year per domain
Yep. If I recall it's an initial check at the beginning so if your provider is willing to bump up your RAM temporarily during the script's installation phase then you'll be fine. I remember @mitgib used to do that for me a long time ago when I was running my own DNS Cluster.@Francisco yes, sounds owesome but I have no love for OVZ for my DNS cluster, just a personal preference
@Mid no intergration with cPanel like @HalfEatenPie explained
So updates are that I have got one from @KuJoe (the really sweet offer he posted above), so far running smooth.
My current nameserver provider since approx more than 2 years (RamNode by @Nick_A) has helped me setup the 4 nameservers again. It turns out that the 786MB memory is for the installation only, it runs at 125MB constant with approx 500 zones