I think some of the "big company is bad" argument isn't something we should be going towards. As much as I love the "small-medium business hooya" aspect, I don't think everyone wakes up and says "I'm going to be a dick today"
They eventually get there. Scale = liability from every corner and repeated extortion beat downs... You become a protective / self preservation dick out of necessity. It's why I left corporate world a long while back and won't be returning.
Plus you have "experts" on all corners punting you and capping things, even if you are the CEO. Becomes a slog fest to get a pencil sharpened and lose agility needed to usually stay relative. Exception is if privately held by a wealthy owner... But that is rare and tiring for that person. Thankless often for them.
I think we all (as a community) can improve our own deployments/businesses/setups
This is good content. Problem with such is thankless too. I mean if you make a recipe and want to share, I am baking brownies in the kitchen sort of vibe here. I mega appreciate it, but unless we dumb it down to a simple one liner, most won't go near it. I think of Nyr's OpenVPN script and the FreeVPS speed script as examples of the level of simplicity to get traction / use.
I like most am routinely pissed off at the complexity and boiling down doc and lack of simple HOW-TO for all sorts of stuff. Starts at Docker and ends at Docker for me until someone points to more docs and more human stuff that is run and use and am productive finally. Sure hip stuff and I get it, just am not willing to spend XX-XXX hours to get basic stuff done. Learning should get easier and documentation a hell of a lot better. Others will disagree, yeah, you were an early adopter likely and have been riding that rug, I know, do that myself and get blind about it being mess to mortals.
focus on Vendors and DC operators/Server Hosters/etc
For a long time I said this community was providers. What do providers want / need? See issue now and in the future is the legit providers aren't providing free Associates degrees to the competition. Self defeating and eats their clock. So that angle become mostly ad-vertorial in nature--- more marketplace content in essence with a dash of approachable content often derived from vendors hawking the wares.
But yes, in principal, agree.
corner of the internet happy
Wrong site for that
some people really just don't want to participate and just want to leave their ad and go
Yeah and we don't want them here. That's how I feel about it.
Offer ads need yanked from top right main screen "vpsBoard Discusssions" block. Will deter them a bit. I have plenty of ways to creatively make the ad spammers go bye bye. They are plague (the ad pump and dumpers).
I'd be glad if the offers were removed and put elsewhere. Dailyserverdeals was a good island for those. Superior platform and worked well. Lazy hosts couldn't be compelled to actually fill in a form and structure their data = work. So refer to what I said above... ad pump and dumpers, you lazy shits, even guys who aren't doing that but too lazy to fill in a form... Pfft.
VM/Container level development and expansion
Yeah this is a natural evolution and often distortion of actual VPS. I mean plenty of people running Docker inside of VPS containers on KVM and Xen. OVZ, not really since kernel is stuck way back at 2.6xxx.
Kind of wanting to head this angle my side on ARM devices locally, but haven't time and patience for the learning curve namely with Docker while living inside of Linux (need some GUI tool to orchestrate and control things more sensibly). Pure CLI and memorizing more stuff isn't my thing at my old age. Recommend young man
focused on creative/innovative deployments and setups
Redundancy, backups, etc. Count me in and slacking behind the curve. Become viable when people have a platform and know how to rapidly deploy or straight run short script that does the heavy lifting and provisions things inside of whatever (VPS, ARM, baremetal, etc.). Orchestration is what I call that magic. Probably other industry names. Anything from straight BASH scripts to workbooks to Docker + whatever, Ansible or one of too many options.
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