
What do you tell people you do for a living?


New Member
I say I work in networking, haven't had anyone ask for more specifics so far.

Seeing as I pretty much push packets for a living these days, it's not inaccurate either :p


Verified Provider
Almost 90% of the time, if I actually use the words "virtual server administrator" or "virtualization", people get it.

If I use "web hosting", the follow-up questions are usually

a.) Oh, like Go Daddy and Wix?

b.) Oh, so can you build me a website then?  

To that, I say "....well, somewhat, but at a significantly higher level."

Frankly, I don't have the time to explain the difference between a pebble and a gold bar.  


Active Member
Web Hosting does contribute a part to my living, but Web/Mobile application development provides the major chunk. So, its a little different than what most of you guys do for a living.

I usually say "I run a software development company". That works well for most people. Some who has tech background ask for more details. Then only I go to specifics like Web app development and hosting.


New Member
Verified Provider
When you meet someone and they ask what you do, what do you tell them?  Most ways to phrase it get a blank and confused stare or a "ok I don't know what that is." It's a total conversation killer to tell people what we do.

I usually just leave it at "Web hosting.  It's like Godaddy but we don't have Danica Patrick."  Sometimes I just say "IT" or "datacenter services."
I use IT and Network Engineer. Goes along with the company we operate :)


New Member
Verified Provider
Some of these responses are too funny!

I typically say "web hosting" and get blank stares. Nobody has ever really asked for details before, thank goodness...