
What Is VPS Hosting?


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VPS is a type of hosting where multiple companies use isolated instances on the same host or parent server. This is perhaps the most common type of VPS hosting — when you hear someone talk about VPS, it’s most likely VPS. As you probably guessed based on the word “cloud,” another benefit is that you can access your VPS environments from anywhere.
With VPS, if a parent server has 64 processing cores, it can host up to 64 instances. Each instance is allocated its own bandwidth and storage, so your performance won’t be affected by other companies on the server in the way it might with shared hosting. You also get more bandwidth and storage since the hosting company is limited on the number of instances they can create on each parent server.

How VPS Hosting Works
To deliver your VPS environment, your hosting company will implement a hypervisor or virtual machine manager on the host or parent server.
From there, you can create individual virtual machines, each of which are called a guest instance, when created on a host, or a child instance, when created on a parent server.

What Is a VPS Used For?
A VPS is typically used for smaller workloads that need consistent performance. Businesses may use VPS for:
  • Hosting 1-10 websites
  • Storing company and customer files in a way that’s accessible anywhere in the world
  • Hosting web servers
  • Hosting email
  • Databases
  • cPanel or Plesk hosting
  • Building and delivering cloud-based services for customers
  • Delivering virtual work stations to remote employees
  • And many other things
For the most part, you can use VPS for anything you’d use a dedicated server for, however keep in mind you will get less overall storage and bandwidth. If you don’t need an entire dedicated server, VPS is a more affordable choice because you’ll only pay for what you need.
If you’re considering the less-common option, Private VPS Parent Hosting, chances are it’s because you need a virtual private office or you’re a VPS reseller or web design/development agency.

Benefits of VPS Hosting
Your favorite VPS features will vary based on how your company uses it. But, in general, there are a few key benefits to VPS hosting:
Reliable performance
You have your own allocated bandwidth and storage and don’t have to share with other companies.
VPS hosting isn’t as cheap as shared hosting, but it’s less expensive than dedicated because you only pay for what you need. VPS delivers plenty of value for the money.
You get SSH and root access to your environment, affording you more control.
Scaling is fast and easy.
Data protection
VPS hosting makes it easy to perform backups. With Liquid Web, daily backups are standard for our VPS environments.
VPS environments are isolated from each other, making them more secure than shared hosting environments.

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