There's some pretty awesome Podcasts I listen to every once in a while and have them automatically downloaded to my phone (good while I commute to work). I Don't really listen to most of them regularly and just whenever I feel like I'd like an episode or two. However, they're totally worth a listen because of their entertainment value and just overall information. Some of these improve your knowledge on useless information.
VUPaaS (Virtualization User Podcast as a Service) - Podcast Focused on Virtualization
HomeServerShow - Podcast Focused on Home Servers
Packet Pushers - Podcast Focused on Networking
The Cloud Cast - Podcast Focused on The Cloud and Cloud Systems
Linux Action Show - Podcast Focused on Everything Linux (Shoutout to my good friend @mikedep333 who's on the X2Go Development Team and the Most Recent Episode being about them!)
TechSNAP Podcast - Podcast Focused on System, Network, and Administering
HAK5 - Another Tech-focused Podcast. Interesting at times though! (They have a hard on for "privacy")
These are just a list of my general listen to Podcast. I won't provide links since I don't want to spend too much time posting this, but you can Google and figure it out.
Internet of Things - Just Things on the Internet
Meanwhile in the Future - Podcast by Gizmodo, just future stuff
Material - Podcast that focuses on Google and Android
What's the Point - Podcast by FiveThirtyEight tldr discusses about how big data involves and impacts our daily lives (or some stuff related to that)
Paul's Security Weekly - Weekly Podcast about Security, Hackers, etc.
Defensive Security Podcast - Podcast focused on Cybersecurity, breaches, and strategies for defense
This American Life - Because fuck yeah.
Freakonomics - Don't really have a description on it. It's mostly all over the board (at least for me)
Hello Internet - Anyone ever watched CPG Grey's videos on youtube? Him and Brady Haran just have an hour long hang out session discussing about anything from what's new on the internet to just news.
TWiT Podcasts - TWiT stands for "This Week in Tech" and hosts various podcasts from FLOSS Weekly to Coding, This Week in Google, and Security. (Funny thing, X2Go was also on here a while back)
Car Talk - Because NPR Car talk is SUCH a Great show. Even if you don't like cars.
The Civil Engineering Podcast - Because I'm a Civil Engineer by Profession and I love hearing stuff about it.
The Morning Dump - Podcast during those times when you just want the cut crap of what's new today.
Hacker Public Radio - Another Podcast about Cybersecurity and stuff
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History - Just... Just give it a try. Such a good jam.
Geek Fit - Because sometimes leading a sedentary life doesn't mean you have to be unfit.
Popflash - One of my hobbies is to follow the competitive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive scene (and play the game of course). Popflash is a Podcast run by the ESEA (in my opinion, ESEA is a terrible company, but it's like one of those "necessary evils" everyone lives with) that talks about CSGO competitive scene and just all around does analytics behind strategies and gameplay. Each episode is like 12 minutes long and are kind of a bummer without the video, but if you're into CSGO like I am, give it a shot.
The Light Bulb - A Podcast focused on Pop Culture really...
TechCrunch Podcasts (e.g. Crunch Report, TC Disrupt, TC TV) - Because keeping tabs on startups and just tech is interesting
Mike Tech Show - Podcast about Technology, Computers, Sites, etc. (another Tech Podcast!)
I have a ton more podcasts that I could add on here that I listen to (some regularly, others semi-regularly). Most of them are related to Android, more Tech, Culture, History (one of them is like a version of "This week in history"), TED, and coding. If you have an hour long commute to and from work, simply listen to like two hour long episodes a day. Recently I wanted to get more into getting a deeper understanding of networking, therefore I've been following the Packet Pushers podcast. I really recommend their podcast as it contains a ton of information (although some of them are sponsor episodes) and are totally worth it.