

Dormant VPSB Pathogen
 Even I logged in to offer a "lol" at Gregory.

It's a LOL on many levels: complete ignorance of ISP immunity laws, past the statute of limitations, C&D sent by employee not attorney (which makes CC look like amateur hour), pathetic attempt to intimidate a site owner into taking down a user submitted review that was unfavorable to a company, etc.

FYI, that same unhappy customer love4cars also filed a BBB complaint on  2/27/14  that echoed what he had said in his VPSB/WHT/LET posts   ( full text of the complaint details available here  ...wonder if the BBB also received a C&D letter from Clark...LOL)

The biggest LOL though is that if CC actually followed through on their lawsuit threat and somehow won the case they would have essentially shot themselves in the head if the court decided that ISP immunity didn't apply to forums and that forums could be held liable if they didn't verify the accuracy of all user generated content before it was posted publicly on sites.  Clark must have forgotten that his employer operates a forum where it's rare for an hour to pass without someone screaming "provider abc (or customer abc) is a scammer!!!"...imagine the flood of lawsuits that would be filed against not just LET but every site that allows user generated content if these clowns won their case.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
What little Gregory should be worried about is this:

ColoCrossing allows IP spoofing and is involved in many DDoS attacks.

This is nothing new, and not legal, but this paper is:

Stress Testing the Booters: Understanding and ... - Damon McCoy

In it bona-fide academics spin up 2 instances on ColoCrossing's network for DDoS attacks.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Big question is --- has ColoCrossing finally closed the spoofing ability?  Not my cup of tea or interest to go donate to yacht money to prove / disprove.

If so, if spoofing is blocked, explains the sudden call to sobriety and being concerned with reputation earned over a decade of shenanigans and self funding via fraud and conspiring in criminal activity.
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Verified Provider
What little Gregory should be worried about is this:

ColoCrossing allows IP spoofing and is involved in many DDoS attacks.

This is nothing new, and not legal, but this paper is:

Stress Testing the Booters: Understanding and ... - Damon McCoy

In it bona-fide academics spin up 2 instances on ColoCrossing's network for DDoS attacks.

I'm quite surprised academics got the go-ahead to use actual booters and do network attacks over the internet.

Back when I was in academia my final year paper/project/dissertation was largely on DDoS methods and detection/mitigation tactics in IaaS environments; but in order to keep in line with the universities legal and ethical policies I had to perform everything in a sandboxed/disconnected environment. 
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Dormant VPSB Pathogen
I noticed that news of Gregory Clark's little C&D letter has already made it to Reddit and YCombinator (Hacker News) so here's a little term that may come in handy in the future for any company that gets the bright idea of trying to have negative customer reviews removed by attempting to intimidate site owners with poorly written C&D notices that contain bullsh*t legal threats that would get laughed out of any court : "Streisand Effect" 
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
I noticed that news of Gregory Clark's little C&D letter has already made it to Reddit and YCombinator (Hacker News) so here's a little term that may come in handy in the future for any company that gets the bright idea of trying to have negative customer reviews removed by attempting to intimidate site owners with poorly written C&D notices that contain bullsh*t legal threats that would get laughed out of any court : "Streisand Effect" 

Have links?
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
LOL, you guys posted that and instant DDOS....

Some other network had BGP drop and is a commenter on this thread.. at the very same time...

We'll call this one unrelated impossible math... Next one we'll serve something special up for.  Free pie!
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Active Member
I'm quite surprised academics got the go-ahead to use actual booters and do network attacks over the internet.

Yeah, that part stood out for me too. They actually say that they got legal advice and ethics approval, when I would've thought that either would've crapped their pants at the idea:

As part of the ethical framework for our study, we consulted with our institution’s general counsel and placed restrictions on the types of booter services we actively interacted with along with what we included in this paper. [...] We received an exemption from our Institutional Review Board (IRB), since our study did not include any personally identifiable information and was based on publicly leaked data and scraped data that was publicly accessible


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Yeah, that part stood out for me too. They actually say that they got legal advice and ethics approval, when I would've thought that either would've crapped their pants at the idea:

I use to work actively with academics.  So yes, surprised too.

However, academia is getting more liberal  about things like this because of the mass impact.   Plenty of dollars have flowed to top unis for studying DDoS attacks and next generation protection.  Very well might have had financial underwriting related to such.


Just a little bit crazy...
Verified Provider
I use to work actively with academics.  So yes, surprised too.

However, academia is getting more liberal  about things like this because of the mass impact.   Plenty of dollars have flowed to top unis for studying DDoS attacks and next generation protection.  Very well might have had financial underwriting related to such.

I still contract for a University, no way this would have made it through ethics here either.


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
Looks like somebody is trying to justify being on the payroll. Kids will be kids.

It would be more understandable if an inexperienced kid had sent that C&D, but the sender is someone with a Master's degree in international business who has 23 years of management level experience at Fortune 500 companies.
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Well-Known Member
Verified Provider
Age is not a factor. If he wants to act like a child he will be treated like a child and until he's mature enough to be considered an adult he's still a kid in my eyes.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
I have not yet heard back from Greg.

I emailed him back 2 days ago.

RE: Fwd: Request to remove Libelous Blog String-VPS Board

I do apologize for the delay in my response. This is an email that I do not usually check and the PO box expired some time ago. I'll need to update the WhoIS information for the domain name.

You may read my response in full and respond with your concerns directly here:

Otherwise you may add me to Skype and leave a message if I am unavailable. Biloh can give you my Skype details.

All the best,


EDIT: And yes, the subject of the email was literally, "Request to remove Libelous Blog String-VPS Board"
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