
Thought Experiment: A Completely Anonymous Web Site


vpsBoard Premium Member
I was talking with someone at lunch today about anonymity on the Internet and it sparked the question of whether it is possible to setup a completely anonymous web site.

By this I mean that nothing in the creation or ownership of the site can be traced to a person.  

1. You need a domain name.  I think you can register a .tk without much self-identification, and perhaps there are others.  Otherwise, I think the only way would be to buy a pre-paid Visa/Mastercard and use a fake name with a registrar.  I've heard .tk domains have periodically been snatched by the registrar in the past when they got popular but that might be myth.

2. You need internet service.  A VPS would give you control over logs and such, though ultimately I don't think VPS vs. dedicated matters because you don't have physical security no matter what you do.  So you'd need a VPS/dedi provider, presumably one who takes Bitcoin or use your prepaid card.

It's disappointing to me that it's impossible to achieve a truly anonymous presence without resorting to some level of fraud.  Of course, I understand why (crime, spam, etc.)

Before you, I don't really have a need for this level of anonymity.  I'm not a criminal, hacktivist, spammer, or underground agent.  Just thinking about anonymity.

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Sadly enough, lack of personal responsibility ruins any such endeavour before it could begin, thanks to the GIFT.

Now.. as far as practically possible - you should look into Jester (th3j35t3r , his Twitter account, is the best way to find him).  The man has made a profession of not only remaining anonymous (insofar as his personal identity), but has waged a constant blackhat campaign against various "lulz" groups and jiihadist groups for years now, and nobody has managed to track this guy down. 


New Member
Sadly enough, lack of personal responsibility ruins any such endeavour before it could begin, thanks to the GIFT.

Now.. as far as practically possible - you should look into Jester (th3j35t3r , his Twitter account, is the best way to find him).  The man has made a profession of not only remaining anonymous (insofar as his personal identity), but has waged a constant blackhat campaign against various "lulz" groups and jiihadist groups for years now, and nobody has managed to track this guy down. 
I beg to differ.

His name is Thomas Ryan (Tom Ryan), here's the facts:

Do some research. Same wiritng styles, same locations, same tweet times, both were at defcon, both wearing exact same shirt, etc.
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Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
Ineffective troll is ineffective.  For starters, I highly suggest you look up the actual definition of fact.  A fact is _not_ telling someone "do the research" when you obviously have not done so yourself.  And no, blithely repeating the butthurt claims of the people pissed off at him is not 'proof', and never will be :p

Now, instead of trying to derail the topic with your own agenda, how about addressing the question at hand.
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The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Simply just thinking about it I'd have to agree with you.  Without going into fraud there's no truly "anonymous" way to run a website.  While idealistically it'd be awesome if this was possible, I feel that there are too many people in the world who would use it for malicious intent for it to actually be useful.  

Probably the best/only way for you to be anonymous on the internet is just to be a user and not a content provider (site owner). 


VPS Peddler
Verified Provider
Very interesting thought - one that I have toyed around with in my mind. It is extremely hard to stay completely anonymous in this information and log rich world we live in. 

I guess it depends the level of anonymity your are looking for though - I'm thinking secret agent type stuff ;)

As for a website you could (in the past) get free subdomains from certain places with no account data needed - you could then proceed to sign up with certain free webhosting platforms that also did not require identification.

I assume it would not require PHP or anything advanced like that, just a few .html files - this was definitely viable in the past.

You would need to secure yourself with an anonymous tunnel, as well as have completely clean email accounts (and a few other things) in-case an account gets hacked or someone attempts to trace you from the hosting company or your email provider.

As you you use the internet - you leave a trail of crumbs. As insignificant as those "crumbs" may seem, its usually very easy to let your identity slip if someone wants to take the time to actually collect all the relative information and process it.


Well-Known Member
Verified Provider
I've come up with a nice plan to become completely anonymous online but there is a key ingredient that only a few of us have. While I won't divulge this info, I am interested in testing it out somehow. :)


vpsBoard Premium Member
So getting an reasonably anonymous email is still possible, I think - though Yahoo now requires a mobile phone number to sign up for email.  Sheesh!

From there, you can get some sort of free web hosting shell account.

Assuming you do everything over VPN/TOR (well, TOR to VPN actually), ssh, etc., then I suppose that's as anonymous as one can get.

Aldryic C'boas

The Pony
So getting an reasonably anonymous email is still possible, I think - though Yahoo now requires a mobile phone number to sign up for email.  Sheesh!

From there, you can get some sort of free web hosting shell account.

Assuming you do everything over VPN/TOR (well, TOR to VPN actually), ssh, etc., then I suppose that's as anonymous as one can get.
Well.. while in theory it's possible to obtain a public email account that won't be traced back to you - Lavabit has already shown us that email should no longer be considered secure.  If you really wanted to drop off the radar, you'd want to consider single-use throwaways.


Active Member
Does it still count as anonymous if you get a bona fide person to do it for you?  A blind maildrop sort of system.  Once you get root and a vpn setup, open cafe wifi's are your oyster.


VPS Peddler
Verified Provider
Does it still count as anonymous if you get a bona fide person to do it for you?  A blind maildrop sort of system.  Once you get root and a vpn setup, open cafe wifi's are your oyster.
Idk, if they were able to find that person that initially signed up for the system and torture him he is likely to talk so I wouldn't bet on it. It really needs to be at a point where it cant be pinned on a particular person.


vpsBoard Premium Member
That's interesting, wlanboy, but I was speculating more about speaking anonymous in the public forum (Internet), rather than speaking secretly.  Well, true, a TOR hidden service need not be secret...I guess it's a different path.  I hadn't really thought of that.

I'm getting the sense the best path is free/fake/disposable email + free hosting, presumably mirrored around the net.

Now if only I had something to say...


VPS Junkie
I've thought about this kind of thing before, doesn't seem to difficult.

Step 1. 

Buy a prepaid visa gift card that you can use for online purchases with cash.  A better idea is to get a strawbuyer to buy it for you, someone you do not know, i.e. homeless guy out front who wants to make a quick buck. 

Step 2.

Head to a nearby Library/Starbucks or other open Wifi.  I would pick one that's not too close your residence and that you've never been to before.  Boot off a live cd/live USB to ensure no cookies or viruses are present, you can also change your Mac just to be safe. 

It would be better to use the wifi as far away as possible, i.e. the parking lot so that you and your screen cannot be seen on camera.

Step 3.

Use prepaid visa to obtain a VPS or AWS account, pick a provider with Instant Setup and make sure your GeoIP is reasonably close to the address you put for the gift card to avoid flagging MaxMind.  Use a disposable mailbox service such as Mailinator or you can always sign up for a new Gmail.

Step 4. 

Either buy a domain using the same method as above or grab a free one from a service such as or

Step 5. 

Setup your website with whatever content you desire.

Step 6.


Step 7.


When you want to make changes only do so via open Wifi and don't use the same one frequently, I would also recommend TOR or an open proxy on top.  An alternative to open wifi, would be to buy a prepaid cellphone and prepaid data, ensure you remove the battery from the phone after use and don't use it from anywhere near your home.
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The Irrational One
Retired Staff
See the issue with that though nunim is that I feel that's borderline fraud.  Assuming the address you're using isn't yours, I feel like that's 100% fraud.  


New Member
That's interesting, wlanboy, but I was speculating more about speaking anonymous in the public forum (Internet), rather than speaking secretly.  Well, true, a TOR hidden service need not be secret...I guess it's a different path.  I hadn't really thought of that.
Not sure what you're getting at, and what a forum has to do with this. Didn't you first want a domain and a VPS.

Tor hidden services are absolutely the solution, you can host a web (or any other server) and no one will know who's running it or where it's hosted.

Admittedly you will not have a very pretty domain name, but people still can read you either via the Tor Browser or any of the myriad of Tor2web gateways. E.g. a Hidden service via


New Member
See the issue with that though nunim is that I feel that's borderline fraud.  Assuming the address you're using isn't yours, I feel like that's 100% fraud.  
And you are using the address of someone else. So they will be f*cked up because of someone's actions.

Tor hidden services are absolutely the solution, you can host a web (or any other server) and no one will know who's running it or where it's hosted.

Admittedly you will not have a very pretty domain name, but people still can read you either via the Tor Browser or any of the myriad of Tor2web gateways. E.g. a Hidden service via is a great service! Tor Hidden Services Gateway
This gateway to Tor hidden services provides convenient access to Tor hidden services. It is a pure proxy that forwards requests to the respective hidden service. We do not store any data and are not liable for the content.

No anonymity! as a gateway cannot offer any anonymity for the visitor. For example, both and the hidden service itself can see the visitor's IP address, and use browser fingerprinting to track users across different sessions. In all cases, it is better to download the Tor Browser Bundle and access the hidden service using Tor (don't forget to remove the .to from the URL!).


New Member as a gateway cannot offer any anonymity for the visitor
That's correct, you can:1. Publish anonymously

2. Read anonymously

3. do both

4. do neither

And the question of this thread is how to do #1.

There are still lots of cases when you do not care about being anonymous as a reader, but want to access information that was anonymously published. For that, services like are useful.
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New Member
Thinking outside the box, what if you were to do away with the weakest link - hosting - and instead publish your content using Bittorrent Sync and a one-way secret?
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