See the issue with that though
nunim is that I feel that's borderline fraud. Assuming the address you're using isn't yours, I feel like that's 100% fraud.
Well, you can use the address of a public facility, such as homeless shelter, library, government facility, etc.. or you can just use an entirely fictional address so that no one can be blamed for your actions. I don't think it's fraud as you're not personally gaining anything, would probably be more of a hoax but I'm not a lawyer.
Either way, I wouldn't feel bad about using a fictional address or the address of a government institution, one of my .EU domains is using the address of parliament.
Bottom line if you want to be completely anonymous on the Internet you're going to have to lie about who you are at some point otherwise why bother being anonymous? Do you think it's wrong to put a fake name on the signup form for an email provider?
3. Internet access --- must be a clean terminal/machine only for this purpose and never should connect to anything else and especially not a network connected to you. And, access should be out of your proximity physically and you unknown by owner/operator.
That's why I would suggest booting off a live cd/usb and changing the MAC address. Simpler then having a dedicated machine and leaves no trace behind in case the machine is later compromised. You could also use a public terminal such as at a library or internet cafe just ensure there are no cameras covering that terminal.
The hardest part in my opinion would be to keep your writing sufficiently different from your normal writing style to avoid identification. I would suggest using a group of authors to combat this but it would be hard to maintain complete anonymity from each other, even then with enough sample data it is likely that someone would be able to identify who wrote which article. See -
A lot of this stuff depends on who you're trying to keep your identity hidden from, if it's just internet users and the like (lulzsec etc..) then it's not very difficult but national intelligence agencies are likely going to be able to find you eventually no matter what precautions are taken.