
URPad Needs Help Improving - take Root Level Technology's Money


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Saw this floating around and thought it should show up here for customers and former customers of URPad.  Unsure why Chris or Randall didn't post it here, so I shall.

TL;DR = URPad is giving away cash for input on how they can improve their service.   (Never mind the grammar and spell check --- I already submitted those).

Greetings from!Now Powered by Root Level Technology!

Can we pay you for your advice?

My name is Chris Miller, some of you may know me as the previous Owner of As you may already know, was acquired by Root Level Technology, LLC. After the guys at purchased they decided to offer me a postion Not just any postion, it was a postion that peaked my interest.

The title was: Director of Customer Relations

The mission: Find out what the customers want and then make it happen!

I accepted the position at because it was a great chance for me, and the rest of the team to build the type of hosting provider that I would want to use.

What the heck have we been doing?

We have already invested roughly $250,000.00 in hardware and upgrades.
We have also allotted the budget and the resources to continue to grow
We have doubled the size of the support staff
We have upgraded the Support ticketing system.
Why are we telling you all this?

Well, because we are asking all of our customers to participate in a contest that will help us learn more about you (the customer).

We want your opinion and we are going to pay you for it!
The Question: How should we continue to improve
We want you to tell us what we can do next!

You can submit your ideas in an email, a document, or even a simple video blog of your well thought out ideas. It is your choice!

How will I send you my ideas/opinion?

We will be accepting your ideas and suggestions at

Will I be compensated/rewarded for my ideas if you think they are valuable to your customers?

Yes you will

Ok so I will get something out of it. But the question is what will it be.


How much will the rewards be?

1st place gets $500.00
2nd place gets $250.00
3rd place gets $100.00

How will you be judging?

We are going to carefully go over every submission entered and then our team members are going to vote on the best 3 entries.

How long will I have to submit an my idea?

You will have until 11:59PM October 7th

When will the annoncement of who won be made?

The public annocement of the winners will be posted on our blog on October 15th along with our Social media outlets. The winners will also be emailed notfiying that they have one in advance of the posting.

If I have any further questions not answered above where can I ask them?

Please contact us through one of our social media outlets

Official Rules:

The staff at Root Level Technology will not know prior to their vote being cast the identity of the person or entity that contributed the materials they are voting on. Staff members are not eligible for this contest. In order to enter this contest you must have be an active customer within the past 90 days. You can present your ideas however you choose. In example: YouTube link, Written Document, or any other generally accepted format of your choosing. Any videos displaying inappropriate content will be disqualified. By inappropriate we are referring to anything not suitable for minors. We are looking for the most well thought and reasonable idea you have to offer.

Limitation of Liability

We are in no way asking anyone to do anything illegal or unsafe. You should follow all the laws of your country and/or region. This contest is void where prohibited by law.
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Verified Provider
That looks pretty good :) I'm sure they'll get a lot of great ideas sent into them because theirs a cash offer reward :D


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Where has the recent "$250,000 in hardware and upgrades" been spent? How was it spent? Was it for stuff in Houston at Quasar only or was the upgrade to all of URPad's locations? Or was this a 'RLT upgrade' for brands unrelated to URPad?

I ask because I know you guys rent the majority of your stuff for URPad minus the stuff in Houston and a few boxes here and there. Was curious how $250K could be used in that regard.
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New Member
Verified Provider
I found their support-staff to be complete dickheads, network was spotty at best and nodes too crowded.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
I found their support-staff to be complete dickheads, network was spotty at best and nodes too crowded.
Any examples? No offense, but judging by your posts you've made here in response to other people, you're not exactly overly kind yourself. If you talk to them (or any provider) like you do to members here, I'd not be surprised if you get back some short and dickish responses :)

EDIT: I'm not defending URPad. I've heard a lot of the same stories about their support. I'm just asking for proof. My relationship with the company took a pretty straight down nosedive not that long ago.
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
"$250,000 in hardware and upgrades"

That's a lot of pesos.   

Miller, you care to comment on what you folks have invested in?

Support keeps getting brought up with URPad.   I'll mention it, because it has been aired before,  is URPad still utilizing the Indian ticketing support?


New Member
Verified Provider
I've heard a lot of the same stories about their support. I'm just asking for proof. 
I was going to take a look at my ticket so that I could make reference, but it appears that I can't look at it or it's broken or something:


The gist was that after being a customer for about a year, I asked to be moved to a different node due to poor disk i/o on that node, only to be told that 30 mb/sec disk i/o was good.

I liked the service and would be willing to return to using them if the support has improved.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
@Damian, how long ago was your ticket experience with the 30MB/s being told sufficient?   Was this pre-Root Level or post?


Cocktail Enthusiast
Verified Provider
I found their support-staff to be complete dickheads, network was spotty at best and nodes too crowded.
Could you send me some ticket ID's for I can investigate this for you?

EDIT: I'm not defending URPad. I've heard a lot of the same stories about their support. I'm just asking for proof. My relationship with the company took a pretty straight down nosedive not that long ago.
And you used to work for me until I sold it. :)

I was going to take a look at my ticket so that I could make reference, but it appears that I can't look at it or it's broken or something:


The gist was that after being a customer for about a year, I asked to be moved to a different node due to poor disk i/o on that node, only to be told that 30 mb/sec disk i/o was good.

I liked the service and would be willing to return to using them if the support has improved.
We moved everything over to Kayako here about a month ago most of the older tickets can still be accessed but only by us at the current time. 


Cocktail Enthusiast
Verified Provider
"$250,000 in hardware and upgrades"

That's a lot of pesos.   

Miller, you care to comment on what you folks have invested in?
This is just some of what it's been invested into:

You may also view my imgur album from Saturday when we were investigating network complaints in the middle of the night here:

We have some more pictures coming soon on our blog (Tomorrow I think) of our equipment being installed in Blacklotus' facility I already have a couple just haven't had a chance to put it up and have been waiting on more. If you are a current urpad client you would have gotten an email today about migrations starting here soon. Some LA Customers will start being moved to our servers at Blacklotus here on the 30th. 
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
^ ---- Thank you Chris..  A nice server pile there.

What's this LA move about with Black Lotus?   I heard something in the back bowels of the internet.  Others might be interested in hearing details.   

Are you folks pulling out of CC?


Content Contributer
Any examples? No offense, but judging by your posts you've made here in response to other people, you're not exactly overly kind yourself. If you talk to them (or any provider) like you do to members here, I'd not be surprised if you get back some short and dickish responses :)

EDIT: I'm not defending URPad. I've heard a lot of the same stories about their support. I'm just asking for proof.
Second that. Same with blergh on irc.

This is just some of what it's been invested into:

You may also view my imgur album from Saturday when we were investigating network complaints in the middle of the night here:
What about your UK location?


New Member
#1. Don't decide after spending money building other infrastructure that you are then going to be cheap and "pull out" of your Iceland location and only give your customers the choice of moving to a US location. I imagine you will lose a large amount of customers that were in that location from that decision.  You know, because I am sure those who purchased a VPS in Iceland REALLY wanted a VPS in the US.

Just saying.  If your trying to figure out where your customers are going...



New Member
Verified Provider
Any examples? No offense, but judging by your posts you've made here in response to other people, you're not exactly overly kind yourself. If you talk to them (or any provider) like you do to members here, I'd not be surprised if you get back some short and dickish responses :)

EDIT: I'm not defending URPad. I've heard a lot of the same stories about their support. I'm just asking for proof. My relationship with the company took a pretty straight down nosedive not that long ago.
Seeing as I work with customer-support myself, i try to to be as up-front and straight to the point as possible without being agressive, nagging or just a plain idiot. More or less in the ways of the golden rule.

I appreciate you telling me (with some softer words) that you think I'm a dick, which is fine by me. Be honest and open! It's what I am, and it certainly doesn't get you that many friends.


Premium Buffalo-based Hosting
I'm kinda pissed about being forced to Houston, URPad and VPSSlim are the two most expensive "yearlies" I have and they are also the most disappointing


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
I was going to take a look at my ticket so that I could make reference, but it appears that I can't look at it or it's broken or something:


The gist was that after being a customer for about a year, I asked to be moved to a different node due to poor disk i/o on that node, only to be told that 30 mb/sec disk i/o was good.

I liked the service and would be willing to return to using them if the support has improved.
Holy crap did this really piss me off.  I reported low I/O (similar to you Damian I think) was bad to a support tech and was told "You're wrong" (may have summarized it and changed a few words here) and the DD test from the host node. 

I asked to be moved from that node to another node, but they didn't have capacity in other servers at the time (New York City) and agreed to move to Texas (because they just upgraded it, or so as Kevdam told me).  I don't recall specifically what happened after but I think I just moved providers because it was too restrictive.  Had a yearly, it just sat there.  Gave up, forgot about it.  By the time renewal came I dropped it.  

I will admit it was back when I was less experienced with VPSes, but I still knew my benchmarks.

I like Chris Miller as a person (I consider him a good friend) but I dislike URPad.  I do hope the best for URPad and hopefully some decent reviews will come out that'll change my mind!    


Content Contributer
At least you are not in Iceland:

Dear customer

In an effort to upgrade our current infrastructure and provide you with updated equipment; we are planning some VPS data migrations beginning this week.

Your IP will be changed during this move and you will be sent an email in a ticket with your new IP.

The following SSD nodes SSDS Protected facility. (Will begin transfer 30th)

The Nodes Golf and Hotel are going to our datacenter in Houston. (Will begin transfer on 25th)

Iceland is being retired and you will have a choice between Houston or our new LA’s DDoS protected facility. (Eligible for transfer to LA on 30th, Houston Available Immediately)

Your server specifications such as ram/disk/bandwidth will not be changed during this move. If you have any additional questions or concerns make sure to contact our help desk. If you are currently a customer of any other LA Locations of ours you may request to be relocated to the new LA nodes as well.