Depends greatly... I'd have a few hundred to drop to get started and a lot of patience. I swear, nothing comes with instructions and something you may think is relatively simple takes hours of research to get it to work properly. I think that's half the fun, though. I'm not for sure what I have in mine, money wise. I'd rather not know.What's the total cost of putting one of these together, including camera?
Speaking of money and money-pits:

Some new updates. Namely, 4 new motors. I couldn't stand the damn Multistar ones since the shaft was cut for DJI style props. I was having issues getting proper fitting on them, even when I purchased DJI specific props. Pain in the ass. Had a box of props that I couldn't properly use, so replaced them with Sunnksky 960kv one. This also allowed me to use some 10X4.7 props that did not work on the old motors as the hub is too tall. It's a tight fit, but they work with these motors. (The old motors I will probably use on a tri-copter build).
Other upgrade includes two new items that arrived today that I am excited about: Landing skid, and the Tarot 2D gimbal for the GoPro, but I purchased a 3D printed Mobius adapter for it.
MUCH FRUSTRATION today, when like most things.... shit just doesn't work as advertised. Very frustrating. The seller of the gimbal specifically advertises and recommends the landing skid for use on any non-DJI Phantom craft. So I think, "Awesome! They're made for each other. This is the obvious landing skid for me since it so clearly works with this gimbal without issue!"
Well, it works, but not after some frustration. See below:

Obviously it was intended to be used with much larger booms that are spaced closer together. So, that's one way for me to not re-order things from your eBay store by exaggerating the compatibility of one item just to sell different item it supposedly works with great. Not a huge deal, I've come to expect this with this hobby and as usual, had to craft my own solution. The solution included cutting up the rubber end pieces / caps for the end of the booms as they were obviously thicker than the boom itself, wrap those fuckers in duct-tape strips to make them even thicker, disregard assembly instructions for the skids and use one piece to place in front of the gimbal with me squeezing the two booms in the front to make them narrower/closer together while I tightened down the fasteners. So now, the gimbal is on there in a fashion I'd consider to be semi-safe. I don't expect it to fall off in flight now, and may secure it further with a combination of cussing, zip-ties, anger, and glue.
Oh yeah, did I mention the landing skid doesn't assemble directly out of the box? I had to sand the booms down to try to get them to fit. When that didn't work, I had to use my knife to shave a bit of material out of the 'clips' so I could assemble the bottom of the legs. Up top, they worked without modification. Down below, the 'clips' were designed for slightly smaller diameter booms or something. Always something!
So now I get figure out how to get the gimbal working. The one page document that arrived with it that is in Chinese with very very vague English words on it does not help. Luckily I watched YouTube video for assembly, and now need to get it powered on the first time and tested. With that said, wish me luck
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