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  1. notFound

    Falling off the Grid

    I've pretty much taken most of the steps Ald has done for pretty much the same reasons but after searching am still to find an alternative for self-hosted e-mail. I have a manual dovecot setup but it's a pain in the arse tbh, for some reason I can set it up for clients fine but when you're using...
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    Supermicro X10 motherboard refusing to boot with RAID Card

    Yes, I know this is not a VPS but I thought this category best suited this thread. :P I bought one of the newish Supermicro X10 boards (X10SLM-F) with a Haswell E3 and had an Adaptec 6 series card laying around, the board works fine itself, stress tested it enough without the RAID card but when...
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    New here, am i allowed to ask for input/reviews of my service?

    I would test it from the UK, but both my phones decided to die on me last week. :(
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    Would anyone be interested in VPS/Dedi in Ukraine?

    While it is sort of a unique location it may not be the best of sellers because I can think of a few very cheap VPS hosts in UA, and also decent dedicated hosts. Having said that depending on the pricing of course there might be interst in dedicated servers, but contracts kinda scare me...
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    RamNode in EU/NL

    Correct, just sounds so meaningless. ;p In arabic it's got some sort of vibe to it hehe. ;p Ask @jarland how many RamNode VPS's he has. Really they're great, you won't look back if you do pick one up. :-) Even if it's just to add competition to the market it's still a good thing. I don't like...
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    RamNode in EU/NL

    Well, I was excitied since Thursday but it seems Nick launched SVZ (OVZ SSD) today. Personally I'm going to try and wait it out until the SSD cached KVM VPS's come out, that's if they do, not sure if Nick has plans for them yet. But it's great that RamNode is expanding this fast, I love you...
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    Is IPMI important for a Dedi?

    It depends what this 'small fee' for iKVM is. Generally I don't like to go without IPMI for personal stuff, but in a production environment definately not unless I've got some really quick remote hands that can do stuff. ;-)
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    TailoredVPS hacked

    I know the company was sold, well I'm pretty sure it was becuse they moved out of Philly with some random provider into Limestone, staffing all changed. Seems like a bit of a dead host anyway.
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    Whats your home connection speed?

    Well, mine went from: To this today after some sort of 'upgrade': I guess it's good and bad.
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    The cesspit / chat thread.

    How often do you guys get this annoying thing? Funny thing is I'm not even connected via my VPN or a shared/proxy IP etc.
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    [UPDATED] Rules for posting VPS Offers

    It was on IRC that this has been updated, I don't see any differences though, at least nothing major or am I blind?
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    IPMI/BMC vulnerabilities

    Pretty sure that was an old vulnerability or maybe that's another or an imaginary one I was thinking of.
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    How do you type?

    I don't really have a method like everyone else does. My small finger is always on the right shift because I use it so often and right thumb on the space bar but my left thumb also follows around going for the space bar some times or control and my left small finger on tab. The rest of my...
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    New York - What Interest is there?

    NinjaHawk, they already have some great OpenVZ offers. ;-) More competition isn't bad though, lower prices for me. I'd say go for it, and it'd also be interesting to see if your DDoS protected network can stand up to some decent floods.
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    My ioping is better than your DD

    That's what -d and -s are for. ;-)
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    AnyNode OpenVZ 512MB

    Hehe, I prefer ioping which is much more indicative of 'real life disk performance'.
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    New LowEndBox kickstarter project.

    Closes on my b'day. Mmm. I liked the original one a little more to be perfectly honest, I can't really see anyone deserving around that isn't already capable of starting their own company in the LEB/LET community, that is unless there's a lurker. It definately is a better 'prize' but there's...
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    2xTranscend 8GB DDR3 REG ECC modules [UK]

    I guess I could ship to the US but I would assume the shipping fees would be a bit crazy. Whereabouts in the US? :)
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    2xTranscend 8GB DDR3 REG ECC modules [UK]

    Hello folks, I'll be honest, I bought these RAM sticks without looking at all, it was only until I got the package and opened it and looked on the sticker did I notice my mistake and that was after the 7 day EU cooling off period thingamajig and I've only got one computer/server in this house...