
Search results

  1. lbft

    Need Help? "I'm Here"

    Have you considered asking Jon from GVH for a job? I think your skill level would be a good fit with his organisation.
  2. lbft

    What's the difference between DigitalOcean and other VPS companies?

    I'm not sure I'd say that - AWS's APIs are exhaustive to the point of being intimidating.
  3. lbft

    Choopa sends out Vultr to drown in the DigitalOcean

    Yeah, it really is a dick move to not make such limited DC availability public so people can know before signup.
  4. lbft

    Choopa sends out Vultr to drown in the DigitalOcean

    According to their support, Sydney and Tokyo won't be available until mid March and other OS options won't be available for at least 10 days. That on top of the atrocious security fuckup makes me wish I hadn't put money into this thing. I expected better from Choopa - it seems clear that this...
  5. lbft

    NTP - the new DDOS amplifier

    It's a month later. Would you care to eat your words yet, Mao?
  6. lbft

    Do you think brands are important in the VPS market?

    It can be an intentional branding decision to be deliberately un-shiny too - e.g. TinyKVM vs the main RAM Host brand (not the shiniest, but you can see the deliberate difference here), or for a non-VPS example the Tarsnap backup service.
  7. lbft

    Do you think brands are important in the VPS market?

    I was reading an interesting New Yorker piece about a consumer shift away from loyalty to brand names and towards seeking reviews and other information instead. It got me thinking: if you accept the premise that people don't give much weight to branding any more, how would/does that affect...
  8. lbft

    Looking for an ad-designer for simple ads.

    I'll unblock ads on VPSBoard the day there's a promise that there will be no more multiple-megabyte animated GIFs.
  9. lbft

    Looking for Torrents (legal) that need help?

    PBS programs are also sometimes partly funded by selling the content to overseas networks (especially public broadcasters). That means regional licensing agreements which means they can't allow unrestricted global distribution.
  10. lbft

    100TB a month challenge

    The CIA.
  11. lbft

    The fall of Commercial Media?

    What did they expect - they took money and never delivered servers. I was far from the only person they did it to. I'm just surprised it took this long for PayPal to shut down known scammers.
  12. lbft

    Q4 2013 Lowendtalk Top Provider Poll Results

    How is that any different to, say, someone having a BuyVM Storage KVM VPS in Las Vegas not wanting their vote to be counted towards BuyVM OpenVZ in New Jersey?
  13. lbft

    GreenValueHost outsources customer support to India.

    He might've scared off the people who know better but really, people like that are a tiny minority of the market. LEB has become the land of continually increasing numbers to keep people handing over cash for way more than they need. The vpsBoard schism might've taken away a decent chunk of...
  14. lbft

    GreenValueHost outsources customer support to India.

    Aw, come on, I can't go off on a tangent based on something someone said? :(
  15. lbft

    GreenValueHost outsources customer support to India.

    While this is a good point, and there is an undercurrent of racism in the way some people talk about people from India, sometimes it's just people being awkward describing the real factors (language skills, culture clash and outsourcing to the lowest bidder). It's pretty hard to deny the...
  16. lbft

    Google kills Schemer

    Shame they can't do the same with Google+.
  17. lbft

    drmike and the case of the ten gallon fedora

    Oh, it's time for another useless drama thread, is it?