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  1. B

    What projects are you working on now?

    Building and testing a custom billing panel to integrate all services we provide. Will put up some screenshots and make a public demo soon.
  2. B

    BuyVM announces free SSD upgrades on all 256MB+ OpenVZ plans!

    This looks great and loves the way how the plans evolved.
  3. B

    vpsBoard advertisements and availability

    Side banners look fine for me, but I hate large banners, for no specific reasons. If that can be avoided, it will be great.
  4. B

    What's in your computer junk?

    I have few CRT monitors lying around, all working, somewhat 10-15 years old. All the damaged computer parts, I have dumped in my cousin's computer shop. They break things and use as spare parts. Also, have a P4 system, running transmission all the time, scheduled to download all stuffs that my...
  5. B

    The Almighty' Bitcoin Discussion.

    For all these years, we have been using paper currency, which also doesn't have a value as such. Its just a printed paper. That's what I feel for bitcoin too. As paper currency succeeded for this long and still holds good, chances are there for bitcoin too to be widely used in future. After all...
  6. B

    Best free or cheap (one time payment) billing & support systems?

    I have tried available demos of most of the billing systems, with support integration, but none of them appealed to me, when I looked at the admin part. Had some freetime and so, thought of building a custom solution for myself and its almost ready. If something similar to what happened with...