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  1. Shados

    Expired Promo Codes

    Okay. See below:
  2. Shados

    Post your workspace/workarea/job sites :D

    I have an intense desire to try this now.
  3. Shados

    Users with tapatalk......

    Fuck yes. @MannDude, please make this happen.
  4. Shados

    Mumble Server for VPSBoard?

    If it wasn't apparent from my earlier comments, I'd also prefer TS3 to Mumble, at least until the latter gets its act together.
  5. Shados

    Mumble Server for VPSBoard?

    If that was @trewq, I would guess he's suggesting TS3 instead because Mumble has an awful UI and worse audio, at least in my experience. May be possible to tweak the audio settings to be better than teamspeak's, but defaults are important because they're what the majority of people use...
  6. Shados

    Lua Pastebin

    Lua is primarily used as an embedded scripting language, usually for things like games / game engines. Also, Prosody is written in it.
  7. Shados

    Google plus is now part of google mail

    Personal / Enhanced plan, I generally feel like it's worth it. Their setup has a lot of nice features, notably Sieve filtering and a very nice identities system.
  8. Shados

    Google plus is now part of google mail

    Same here. Being an Australian, it helps somewhat that they're an Australian company.
  9. Shados

    Hardware Porn (aka our new backups node)

    You have no idea how often the trash bin in my room appears to have suffered the same fate.
  10. Shados

    Looking for some Benchmarks and a KVM

    @SkylarM, planning on selling the old C1100 nodes?
  11. Shados

    Fixed: Some users couldn't post this morning

    Yeah, this pretty much always results in bad things on computer systems. Also on causality.
  12. Shados

    Customers, what to do with them?

    Yeah, people are mostly crap.
  13. Shados

    Security: New VPS Account Info and Emails

    Why not use bcrypt?
  14. Shados

    The truth about Mao and BuyVM

    Hey look, I can emphasize things too! Let's start with Fran's third PM in the screenshots you gave, notably missing from the textual list you gave later (why?): Aaaaand suddenly it looks less like he's threatening to "hack your solus" and more like he's threatening to buy a VM from you, find...
  15. Shados

    The truth about Mao and BuyVM

    Wait... which bit is the 'threat'?
  16. Shados

    Dirt cheap domains (as always!)

    OT, but heh, I have a domain that ends with '' already ;).
  17. Shados

    New vpsBoard theme

    I vote you just adapt the Solarized color palette to the current theme instead (preferably the dark variant).
  18. Shados

    CI & Deployment System

    Hydra is very cool, but probably only maximally useful if you're already drinking the Nix/NixOS cool-aid elsewhere. Which you may want to consider doing ;).
  19. Shados

    DigitalOcean to add Singapore Region by the end of January

    Now if only they can wizard real hard and open up an Australian region at their normal prices... Yeah, not going to happen.