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  1. Shados

    Retry in 30 seconds

    Why not just use an existing dynamic dns service?
  2. Shados

    Running your own vestacp instance

    Really hoping you were using dummy values or a random self-signed cert there...
  3. Shados

    Lottery is up to $550,000,000... what would you do if you won?

    Accelerate my plans for world domination, obviously. That, and provide for my mum.
  4. Shados

    Windows users

    Sequential reads & writes are still much faster on an SSD than random ones, and you're not going to significantly impact the life of any modern SSD by doing this. Why would you not want to defrag?
  5. Shados

    Anyone need free billing? :)

    Emphasis mine; they're saying that you don't have to have PCI compliance, not that they don't. At least, that's how I'm reading it.
  6. Shados

    vpsBoard community gameserver...

    Can confirm Starbound client runs on Linux (started it downloading on Steam before leaving for work this morning), not sure about the server.
  7. Shados

    Best Linux OS for desktop use?

    NixOS, because it's awesome and needs moar love.
  8. Shados

    SSL for VPSB?

    "Wow. That is a pretty crappy attitude. Since this site is nothing without the MannDude, you should be a little nicer." See what I did there?
  9. Shados

    POLL: SSL for vpsBoard. Optional or forced site-wide?

    Or instead of turning off Gravatar, just use their HTTPS URL...?
  10. Shados got hacked

    Heh, that's a pretty perfect indication that the disk or FS has fallen out from under it if they're getting it on random operations.
  11. Shados

    How did they get it so wrong?

    I read an article a couple of weeks back on this, apparently they did run some tests a few days before launch (but not all the tests they wanted to run, and only last-minute) and the tests indicated the system could not handle the expected load at all. They went ahead and released it anyway...
  12. Shados

    BuyVM deleting my ticket

    Stating that shit ain't cool isn't cool. ...wait, fuck.
  13. Shados

    Home internet speeds

    Pre-Liberal victory, was supposed to have NBN available February 2014. Not even on the map any more :(.
  14. Shados

    Quiting smoking.

    Yeah, I've got a few friends who have swapped to e-cigs pretty happily. It's a lot cheaper, and you still get the rather potent nootropic benefits of nicotine - without the carcinogenic effects of everything else in tobacco :P.
  15. Shados

    Website page capture --- online and as it was

    Have been thinking about writing a small Chrome/Opera plugin to snapshot an open tab in its current state, which would avoid a few of the issues with a service like FreezePage (e.g. could snapshot pages that have been modified by javascript, snapshot pages behind login-walls, etc.).
  16. Shados

    IO Ping Score

    Because benchmarking for your actual, application/project-specific performance requirements can't be easily done with a trivial, generic one-liner script and compared for EPeen with other so-called 'sysadmins'.
  17. Shados

    URPad Feels Your Pain... Hires (More) Support Staff.

    Well, I just confirmed I can set mine.
  18. Shados

    Luna Node | Chicago KVM | Special storage / high-bandwidth offers

    Hmm, I like the look of the storage special, and you guys seem like an interesting host. No discounts for quarterly/yearly billing?
  19. Shados

    FreeBSD Jails

    Out of curiosity, mind taking the time to elaborate on why you would've picked BSD?
  20. Shados

    Copy and Paste Tablet to Desktop

    I keep notes + random text stuff in Draft on android and sync them to a dropbox folder.