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  1. scv

    Copy and Paste Tablet to Desktop

    If you're on a *NIX, you can use xclip and even pipe it over SSH to transfer directly between clipboards. pbcopy on OS X works in a similar fashion. I believe Windows has something similar (clip.exe or something along those lines)
  2. scv

    FreeBSD Jails

    No less complicated than Linux. You even get the option of binary packages if you really can't manage a ports tree.
  3. scv

    New PHP exploit CVE-2012-1823

    Who puts a php binary in their docroot? This exploit is nothing more than a rehash of a very old technique.
  4. scv

    What can SOCKS Proxy Do and How to Create ?

    You can do that, but it's much easier to use proxychains.
  5. scv

    What can SOCKS Proxy Do and How to Create ?

    PPTP is not secure, the crypto is very weak. Only advantage is it's widely supported. IPSEC is only useful for a point to point tunnel on its own - for a generic VPN setup you'd need something like L2TP or GRE underneath it. There are many different ways of setting it up.
  6. scv

    What can SOCKS Proxy Do and How to Create ?

    SOCKS is NOT encrypted. Use OpenVPN or IPSEC for reliable encrypted tunneling. Do note in your example you're using the SSH SOCKS server. The data is encrypted via SSH once it leaves your machine, but it will remain unencrypted once it leaves the remote server.
  7. scv

    "Hack Forums" Hosts

    I don't really care about what's being discussed here but I'd like to say this is one of my favourite reaction gifs of all time.
  8. scv

    "Hack Forums" Hosts

  9. scv

    Ubuntu 13.10 is out

    If the provider has to maintain a half dozen versions of Ubuntu (between x86 and x86_64, LTS and non-LTS. etc) compared to maintaining one or two versions of the current LTS, which would you expect to be more "correct"? Look at LEB hosts that offer upwards of a hundred OS templates, for example...
  10. scv

    Storage VPS Offers United States and Canada

    What are your bandwidth requirements?
  11. scv

    24khost, where are you?

    Even if the guy's having problems it'd only take him 15 minutes to give his clients a nice explanation of the situation. Really goes to show you how much concern he shows to the customers...
  12. scv

    Ubuntu 13.10 is out

    I'm not going to be offering 13.10 - people can perform their own upgrades from 12.04 if they really want but LTS is the way to go for a server. Short term release cycle is more of a headache in a server environment. 14.04 will be the next update I bring online.
  13. scv

    Looking for 512MB OpenVZ ....

    If you're still looking for a Detroit VPS, We've still got stock open despite not posting a sale recently. Test IP:
  14. scv

    "Hack Forums" Hosts

    I'm not even sure what to think about this thread - it should be a no brainer. If you're going to advertise on HF, you're pretty much saying "We don't care where the users come from" and throwing up a red flag for anybody who even remotely takes the security of their server into account.
  15. scv

    Another day, another WHMCS exploit.

    Anybody running WHMCS should deploy a WAF in front. Only 'sane' way of going about it.
  16. scv

    List of community links.

    Currently jammin' with MannDude on TurnTable.
  17. scv

    [EXCLUSIVE] - Detroit OpenVZ

    The promo is no longer active. We're currently holding sales off as we're about to release our KVM product.
  18. scv

    WHMCS 24/10/2013 Vuln

    Yeah, desire to build a WHMCS replacement rising.
  19. scv

    Ding! Dong! Santrex is dead!

    They own - even if it does get auctioned off I'm sure it'll go cheap considering how much abuse has come from that range.
  20. scv

    [EXCLUSIVE] - Detroit OpenVZ

    These offers are OpenVZ (as stated in the title). We will be introducing KVM soon - aiming for the next few weeks.