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  1. Jade VPS Serivice is down and down. No Complaint resolution

    I don't understand where they just up and disappeared too :P
  2. Jade

    20% OFF - JACKSONVILLE - KVM & OpenVZ [ NodeControl Panel ] - NodeServ, LLC

    Jacksonville, Florida - KVM  ALL KVM ORDERS PROVISIONED ON NEW NODE CONTROL MANAGEMENT PANEL. KVM-01 RAM: 512 MB Storage: 25 GB Bandwidth: 1000 GB vCores: 2 Speed: 1 Gbps IP Addresses: 1 Dedicated & /64 of IPv6 $3.99 3.19 / month - WITH Coupon Code LEBJULY to get the 20% OFF! [ Order Now! ]...
  3. Jade

    NodeServ, LLC - 2 GB for $4.50/month

    We now hold our own allocation directly from ARIN(AS19757) About Us: NodeServ was founded in August of 2013 and is a registered corporation in the State of Florida. We started out with a mission to provide the best low budget services with the best quality possible. NodeServ utilizes some of...
  4. Jade

    NodeServ Presents NodeControl - In-House panel -PREVIEW-

    Glad you like it :) If you're looking to visit you should :)
  5. Jade

    Query Foundry, LLC acquires Liquid Host

    How can you determine no one uses those brands? I'm willing to put money on that those brands had plenty of client base, as well as a pretty good enough income for them to even consider purchasing it.
  6. Jade

    NodeServ Presents NodeControl - In-House panel -PREVIEW-

    We utilize Proxmox in the backend. NodeControl is very similar to SC because it was developed in a partnership between us. It is common knowledge that we colocate our servers within the SC cage and utilize the SC network for our services in Jacksonville. The partnership is in no way involves...
  7. Jade

    NodeServ Presents NodeControl - In-House panel -PREVIEW-

    NodeServ is happy to share with you a preview of their new in-house control panel, which will be launching here within the next week. This panel has been kept top secret until now, where photos can be found below which show the different utilities the panel has. We also have a new logo as you...
  8. Jade

    Selling $25.00

    I'll toss you $10 for it.
  9. Jade

    NodeServ, LLC - OpenVZ 2 GB $4.50/month - Florida

    We now hold our own allocation directly from ARIN(AS19757) About Us: NodeServ was founded in August of 2013 and is a registered corporation in the State of Florida. We started out with a mission to provide the best low budget services with the best quality possible. NodeServ utilizes some of...
  10. Jade

    Now Hiring For My "F-A-F Campaign"

    If you don't like us on this forum, then why are you still posting on here?
  11. Jade

    What Constitutes a Datacenter

    A facility filled with racks of servers, power, air conditioning(perfect conditions) & a bunch of server loving geeks ^_^ I intern at a DC so :P
  12. Jade

    GVH Terminates Cloud Hosting And Moving Out From Buffalo

    I'm surprised GVH-Jon hasn't posted on this topic yet.
  13. Jade

    Free 1U server, you pay tech time & shipping.

    You going to use this as a VPS node? I hope not.
  14. Jade

    NodePacket LLC - ***70% OFF*** - SSD VPS - 1GB Port - 150GB RAID10 **Crazy Savings**

    When is PCCW turning up? I love their network. We have PCCW in our mix as well.
  15. Jade

    GVH suspended after minor use of 100TB plan

    I just don't see their vision of using the 5420's to satisfy customers more, I see it as an overselling gimmick, but that's just me. If you're going to put over 24 GB+ of RAM on a 5420 you might as well put it on a 56xx or better. I'm not here to rag on other providers or anything just giving my...
  16. Jade

    GVH suspended after minor use of 100TB plan

    But how much of that 64 GB will you be using before everything starts going crazy on a 5420..?
  17. Jade

    GVH suspended after minor use of 100TB plan

    Really reseller business's don't have a viable source of income. If their upstream just up and vanishes that leaves them to crash hard. Business's that invest heavily into their own hardware/equipment will be around a lot longer than business's who resell services.
  18. Jade

    GVH suspended after minor use of 100TB plan

    It seems the only reason why he wants to go with the 54xx's is to pack them. I may be wrong, but that's the information I gather from what he says. You want to add more RAM to your box so you can put more clients on it... However adding more RAM to a box that you'll never be able to use that...
  19. Jade

    GVH suspended after minor use of 100TB plan

    I would think if your main concern was your customers you'd be more worried about performance than doing the math on mainaining a low RAM overselling ratio by packing more RAM into a box.