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  1. qrwteyrutiyoup

    The new year thread

    Happy new year! Still a few hours to go in Brazil.
  2. qrwteyrutiyoup

    For those of you using GMail, how often do you backup your mailbox?

    Thanks for this gmvault, it looks great, and I am gonna test it soon! I don't think I have ever backup'ed my main gmail account, and while I would survive if I suddenly lost access to it, there's a lot of valuable data there that I'd rather keep :)
  3. qrwteyrutiyoup

    vpsBoard Top Providers of 2014 voting.

    YourServer: 1 CatalystHost: 1 VPSDime: 1 QuickPacket: 1 BuyVM: 1
  4. qrwteyrutiyoup

    Raspberry Pi owners?

    Mine is collecting dust at the moment, but in past it was used to test a custom WebKit-based browser we were developing. After making it run we were concerned with profiling and improving its performance, and the pi was a great prototyping platform :)
  5. qrwteyrutiyoup

    USB cables that don't suck - anyone?

    Not sure it's among the ones that failed you already, but I got some (USB3, USB2 micro/mini, etc) of these and they seem to be lasting for me. 
  6. qrwteyrutiyoup

    What is your favourite linux-based operating system?

    Used Slackware for years, and nowadays I just use Archlinux whenever possible. When I cant, then I pick either Ubuntu or Debian, in general.
  7. qrwteyrutiyoup

    ssl for *.domain.tld pricerange

    It's likely that they are under those "unlimited issuance" programs from GlobalSign: They are listed as a Platinum partner, at least:
  8. qrwteyrutiyoup

    GreenValueHost / GVH and HostNun banned for operating shill ring

    Maybe wait a few hours? It's like 4am in the Netherlands now (he's from there, no?)
  9. qrwteyrutiyoup

    File Descriptors

    Check out the POSIX specification for open():   You say your application is single-threaded, single-process, but remember to take in consideration that a different application may open a file descriptor between your steps #4...
  10. qrwteyrutiyoup

    What else does everyone do?

    Full-time software developer at a not so small company, but I am thinking of going back to school next year. I recently got accepted by a some university in Canada and I am currently working on getting a scholarship to make it possible.
  11. qrwteyrutiyoup

    Self-Hosted Pastebin Alternatives

    How about Sticky Notes? You can see it live at
  12. qrwteyrutiyoup

    Free Maps API

    +1 to OSM
  13. qrwteyrutiyoup

    Gaming / VPS / tech / webmaster domains Auction

    talkhandheld - $5
  14. qrwteyrutiyoup

    Gaming / VPS / tech / webmaster domains Auction

    talkhandheld - $3
  15. qrwteyrutiyoup

    Arduino (or Trinket) with Bluetooth control

    Have you tried it yet? I just got my hands on one and I am gonna start playing with it.
  16. qrwteyrutiyoup

    ModulesGarden Triple Update! SolusVM Extended VPS 1.3, Cloud 1.3 and Reseller 1.2.2

    Doesn't this work? The documentation is not clear on whether it would work for KVM, but it could be worth a try.
  17. qrwteyrutiyoup

    3 Atom Invites (GitHub Text Editor)

    It's now open-source and freely available to anyone:
  18. qrwteyrutiyoup

    Free $100 Amazon AWS Credit

    Worked for me, thanks!
  19. qrwteyrutiyoup

    New SolusVM Release!

    Yeah, that might be the real showstopper here. Not to mention they support not only KVM, but other virtualization technologies as well, so it prolly wouldn't be that simple. I still believe they could offer support for it somehow, like the admin could say "my qemu supports websocket, so I would...
  20. qrwteyrutiyoup

    New SolusVM Release!

    Maybe some of you guys could message SolusVM about adding websocket support to their VNC, so that people could use something like noVNC [1] and get rid of Java for good? In my (very simple) tests, it took as much as adding the word "websocket" near the vnc option in the qemu arguments, so I am...