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  1. Maximum_VPS

    Post your ride

    There diffrent sites ... cross-post added
  2. Maximum_VPS

    Post your ride

    ~future ride~ "cross link to ~that site~"
  3. Maximum_VPS

    Best Redundancy

    Daily pull to offsite, weekly to cold hdd. "core services" ATM no failover exept DNS :/
  4. Maximum_VPS

    Falling off the Grid

    We use this , had a backup mishap early on and swore it off only to go back things are fine now, but ease of use is A+.
  5. Maximum_VPS

    What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?

  6. Maximum_VPS

    Owning a .US domain = Getting spam?

    Got a .us but no spam "godaddy" :/
  7. Maximum_VPS

    Whats your home connection speed?

    Does the job ... "I want more" :P
  8. Maximum_VPS

    KVM - lower Disk IO in VM than on Host itself. Why?

    Was the KVM LVM group setup within the HOST LVM group?
  9. Maximum_VPS

    What are you listening to right now?
  10. Maximum_VPS

    What was your first computer?

    Was a Apple II followed by a 486, dont remember the specs. :P
  11. Maximum_VPS

    Vote for your favorite graphics chip manufacturer

    nVidia has always treated me well :)
  12. Maximum_VPS

    Web based email

    A good full blown mail server setup is "Iredmail", make sure to have a gigabyte of ram though.
  13. Maximum_VPS

    How do you take your coffee?

    Strong as acid , thick as mud - black.                                  
  14. Maximum_VPS

    Your new VPS is provisioned, what is the first thing you do once you connect?

    Change ssh port, disable root login, RSA key,yum update & upgrade,reboot.
  15. Maximum_VPS

    vpsBoard advertisements.

    +1 Go for it.
  16. Maximum_VPS

    What are you listening to right now? :D
  17. Maximum_VPS

    "Right" to Remain Silent

    I should have mentioned i read this particular article. Thanks for the clarification :)
  18. Maximum_VPS

    "Right" to Remain Silent

    From reading the article and trying to understand, it looks like instead of "going silent" as a way of invoking your 5th amendment rights you now have to DECLARE that you are invoking your 5th amendment rights for it to be valid. This needs more attention.
  19. Maximum_VPS

    Weird plane on Google Maps

    Thanks for the tip :D
  20. Maximum_VPS

    Weird plane on Google Maps

    And when you zoom in the image goes to an older version and the plane disappears lol.