
Search results

  1. KuJoe

    BlueVM and the great labor rights of exploiting labor

    I get offers all of the time for people who want to volunteer at SD for free just to get the experience. Currently all 2 of us at SD are volunteers who put in at least 40 hours a week, but we don't mind because the money we could be getting paid is being used to build the company so we're happy...
  2. KuJoe

    Automated "am I blacklisted?" check?

    I haven't used this in a while but I found this back in 2011: <?php require_once('Net/DNSBL.php'); $iplist = file("/root/iplist"); foreach ($iplist as $ip){ $dnsbl = new Net_DNSBL(); $dnsbl->setBlacklists(array( '', '', ''...
  3. KuJoe

    VPS's .. The dangers of doing business with idiots

    I would have done the same also. If he did do the work and they got hacked again (which seems inevitable) then they can blame him for it and that would be both a PR nightmare for his reputation and a potential legal one. It would be like suing a roofing company because they were the last ones...
  4. KuJoe

    Share a filesystem (like nfs) across the Internet

    I use NFS personally. I run the nsfd server on an OpenVZ VPS and mount the share across all of my ESXi hosts (GA, NC, and CO). It works really nice.
  5. KuJoe

    NTP - the new DDOS amplifier

    We had an 80Gbps attack for about an hour, I was expecting some packet loss but I didn't even notice it until I checked the logs later that day. I can't wait to get into our new data center and setup load balanced webservers again to load balance the attacks. :)
  6. KuJoe

    Where's my swap? (A "how does vSwap work" question)

    vSwap uses RAM and not actual swap on a disk like traditional swap (although OpenVZ will artificially slow it down so your vSwap is not at fast as your actual RAM). This is why it says /dev/null because there's no actual directory/file on the disk.
  7. KuJoe

    Mt.Gox shuts down, is insolvent

  8. KuJoe

    Promoting Affiliate Links?

    I find that genuine and detailed reviews sell a product better than a banner. Why not right up an honest and detailed review and include the links at the end of the review. And when I say detailed, I mean detailed so as to avoid looking like a paid advertisement, it's also nice to include a bit...
  9. KuJoe

    Google will explore bringing Fiber to 34 new cities including Portland and Atlanta

    I would only switch if they have native IPv6, I've started relying more and more on IPv6 and I won't be dropping Comcast for an ISP that doesn't have it regardless of the speed.
  10. KuJoe

    Gmail Trick

    I never said I liked GMail. ;) But for my main e-mail account on GMail, I've never received a spam e-mail in my inbox since I switched to it a few years back nor have I ever had legitimate e-mails sent to spam before (except for sites that do not have correctly configured mail servers). Now my...
  11. KuJoe

    Gmail Trick

    Neat. I hate GMail a little less now.
  12. KuJoe

    Gmail Trick

    I didn't know about that. Can't you also use a + or something for adding text to your e-mail address?
  13. KuJoe

    how to ban fstime on a openvz node

    I would like to also point out that Google is a thing.
  14. KuJoe

    how to ban fstime on a openvz node

    Because that's how miners work right?
  15. KuJoe

    how to ban fstime on a openvz node

    Dang it! Thanks for ruining the punchline. :(
  16. KuJoe

    how to ban fstime on a openvz node

    Why do you suspect it's being used for mining?
  17. KuJoe

    PhoenixVPS to leave Phoenix, ColoCrossing in their future.

    Damn, and our Phoenix node won't be shipping until the end of February. :(
  18. KuJoe

    Looking for a Pandora alternative.

    Oh I miss that feature, it was on my older phones but not my latest 2.
  19. KuJoe

    Looking for a Pandora alternative.

    I wish I never cancelled my Rhapsody subscription, it was only around $40/year and well worth it. Can you explain more about this?
  20. KuJoe

    Providers: Do You Send An RFO Email If Your Network Has 5 Minutes of Packet Loss?

    If there is no outage then sending a Reason For Outage is not necessary. If there is packet loss on some routes and it goes unnoticed then nothing is done (that's the idea of being multi-homed). If there is packet loss and it is noticed then an announcement is posted.