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  1. KuJoe

    NodePing Christmas special - buy 6 months get 1 month free

    It's not embedded unfortunately, it's just a CNAME record but it's still really nice compared to other public reporting pages I've used.
  2. KuJoe

    NodePing Christmas special - buy 6 months get 1 month free

    NodePing gets my vote. Their new public status page feature is pretty awesome also (
  3. KuJoe

    Need help with an rrdtool graph.

    Thanks both of you. This fixed it: /usr/bin/rrdtool create ${RRDFILE} --start N -s 30 DS:load1:GAUGE:600:0:100 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:1600
  4. KuJoe

    VPS Slabbing - Who Does it and Admits to It?

    I think one of the biggest benefits of "slabbing" is mobility. For example: at one point we had a cPanel server that was an OpenVZ VPS, when it outgrew the node it was on I created a KVM VPS with more resources and just did a vzmigrate of the cPanel OpenVZ VPS from the OpenVZ node to the KVM...
  5. KuJoe

    Need help with an rrdtool graph.

    I'm trying to build a script to graph the load of a server using rrdtools but for some reason my graph will only show the data for 12 hours even though the graph itself is 24 hours. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I've never used rrdtools before so this script was pieced together from other...
  6. KuJoe

    VPS Slabbing - Who Does it and Admits to It?

    My test OpenVZ nodes are actually a KVM VPS and a VMware ESXi VM. With my personal hatred for KVM I would never want to run our OpenVZ nodes on a KVM and ESXi is too expensive to make it cost effective for us to even try it.
  7. KuJoe

    How do you upload your files to your webserver?

    Thanks for all of the responses, some really interesting methods out there. I've found a workaround to my problem (I just do all of my coding on my Windows 7 VM and FTP works just fine), but keep the posts coming since I'm sure others are learning of new apps and protocols from this thread also. :)
  8. KuJoe

    Lottery is up to $550,000,000... what would you do if you won?

    I'd probably give most of it away. I've read to many horror stories about lottery winners and I know if I had a lot of money I would ruin my life.
  9. KuJoe

    The american "credit" system and meaning?

    When you sign up for anything money related you always have to check a box that allows the other party to look up your credit history. You also give them permission to report your history to those agencies listed above. It's a double edged sword which I have felt both sides of. :(
  10. KuJoe

    Stripe, get a clue. Your chargeback system sucks

    We've had about the same amount of people pay with Stripe as we've had people pay with bitcoins. Both combined make up less than 1% of transactions while Paypal makes up over 99% since Google Checkout went away. It does appear that Stripe is a big target for fraud as we've had more than enough...
  11. KuJoe

    Hostigation down?

    No issues with my VPS in NC.
  12. KuJoe

    How do you upload your files to your webserver?

    Normally I use SFTP/SCP but since moving to Comcast I've switched to FTP but I upgraded my laptop to Windows 8.1 and now my favorite FTP client (CoreFTP) doesn't work for more than a few files before failing so I've switched over to WebDAV since it's fast and reliable (unfortunately our...
  13. KuJoe

    If you weren't working in this industry, what would you rather be doing?

    That's only for 6 months a year though, the other 6 months you're stuck behind a desk or at a sorting facility.
  14. KuJoe

    If you weren't working in this industry, what would you rather be doing?

    I'd want to be in law enforcement. If I weren't married that's what I'd be doing.
  15. KuJoe

    Ransom IT KVM offers in Sydney and Adelaide (Australia), 256MB/512MB/1GB, offers starting at $42 ann

    Something doesn't add up here. Your 512MB plan comes with more bandwidth and disk space than your 1GB plan and both plans are the same price. Either way, 200GB is a lot for Australia if I remember correctly. I've been wanting to pick up a VPS with you guys for a while but have no idea what I'd...
  16. KuJoe

    Anybody else have a Commercial Media server?

    I went to pay my invoice today and noticed the following message: While I consider my $35/m dedicated server with them a disposable server, their network stability and uptime have blown away some of my $200/m leased servers I've used in the past. The only negative thing I have to say about them...
  17. KuJoe

    What do you use your Raspberry Pi for?

    I hope to have my new project finished by Christmas. I'm setting up a dashboard camera for my car using the RPi. Hopefully I'll get the HD camera for Christmas and then I'll just need to work on the mounting fun. I wish I could get it setup before our camping trip in the mountains but I don't...
  18. KuJoe

    What did you buy for Black Friday?

    $17.48 on Steam, it would have been more but I had to renew my CrashPlan+ service this week so I missed out on some games I wanted yesterday. :(
  19. KuJoe

    What did you buy for Black Friday?

    I woke up at midnight, got dressed, then spent the night coding our SolusVM replacement. Hope to have clients testing it by the end of the weekend. :) I'm a giver not a spender.
  20. KuJoe

    SolusVM vs Feathur

    Nevermind. It looks like my pricing is different than the pricing for new clients. New pricing is $10 per slave, $2.50 for the master as @INIZ pointed out above. You can no longer purchase a slave license for $2.50 and even in the past the $2.50 license had a limit of 2 VPSs per license.