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  1. B

    Another movie shooting

    Well if you think about the statistics of it cops kill more people because those are the situations they're put in because it's their job.  I'm not saying all kills are justified, but if your job is to protect & serve then you're going to be in situations where bad outcomes happen more often...
  2. B

    Google Nexus 5

    I have the old Samsung Galaxy Nexus and am ready for an upgrade and have the Nexus 5 in my list.  I'm contemplating holding out until the Galaxy s5 comes out in March/April. 
  3. B

    Another movie shooting

    Wow, that's awful and it seems to be happening way to frequently.   One of the restaurants I go to frequently had a carjacking and robbery from gunpoint at 11:00 pm as they were closing up.  One of the owners was tied up, robbed, and stole his brand new 2014 BMW.  Thankfully they only hit him...
  4. B

    Managed VPS

    I think that's a good idea.  You can always ask questions to support when you run into snags on the unmanaged server to help assist you so you can get the expert advice on how to's as well.  I think one of the many benefits of a true managed service provider is the sleep-easy at night aspect...
  5. B

    Introduction thread

    Hello Everyone, For those of you who are also on WebHostingTalk, it's Techy!  Glad to be on