Yeah, I have no idea. I then went onto his live chat to get removed and he asked me if I wanted to have a Martini in Cuba with him, or some shit like that. Luckily he actually removed me!
Man, what are they feeding these prisoners?!?!? How in the world do you gain 100lbs while in prison? When I think of prison, I think of working out, exercising, and shitty food. Apparently this isn't the case based on Zimmerman's weight gain!
The race issue has gotten out of control. I actually never viewed this trial as a racial issue until people have been acting this way on Twitter/Facebook. It is not whites against blacks, Zimmerman is hispanic, not white. Almost all of my Facebook friends are acting like he's white and...
Hey everyone. :) Jeffrey here from LET! I will be paying more attention to VPSBoard more than I did before because I am getting sick of the idiots over at LET and I see a lot of old timers here. :)
I honestly think Zimmerman should have been guilty. He has negative history before any of this happened. He is just a wanna be cop. He could have defended himself, during the incident without using a gun. He caused Treyvon to hit him, he caused the scene. I honestly think that if you kill a...