
Search results

  1. fusa

    Hi powered wireless?

    As long as you stay within the legal output of the (Ubnt) antenna (2.4ghz), there shouldn't be any issue at all. It gives the same power output as your home router :-)
  2. fusa

    Hi powered wireless?

    You can not go higher in output (watt). You just need to find a device that has a good antenna. A good device for you: Just buy 2 devices, point them at each other, done. When you have Line Of Sight you will get great speeds. We have here links between...
  3. fusa

    Monitors and RasPis

    Why don't you use the new smart-TV's this has an build in browser, just point this at your status page, full screen, done
  4. fusa

    [EU] Overstock - Dedicated Servers - own hardware

    Hello,   Grab your server today and pay with PayPal, CreditCard, Bank Transfer, Western Union or BitCoins! Limited stock, so first come, first served.   Extra IP's, traffic... all possible. Mail us [email protected]!     ► [bE] BE-INTEL-2x160G CPU: INTEL ATOM 1.6Ghz Dual Core Memory: 2...
  5. fusa

    How are you handling backups?

    We use Bacula for this. Easy incremental and full backups on multiple volumes / servers.  This services also pulls the data from your server, so there is no login information on your web/mail server.
  6. fusa

    Whats your home connection speed?

    Belgium... VDSL2 (30/3)
  7. fusa

    Do you support bitcoins for payments?

    Some users want a cheap server for spamming and then they use bitcoins with a fake identity.
  8. fusa

    Do you support bitcoins for payments?

    No need to worry, refunds/claims are not possible with BitCoins :-)
  9. fusa

    Do you support bitcoins for payments?

    We also use bitcoins with BitPay as payment gateway. Easy to setup, easy to work with and low fees. But you still need to verify users after signup to avoid abuse. We even have company's that pay us with bitcoins, I don't know how they do this (legally).
  10. fusa

    Favorite OS for your VPSes?

    Ubuntu for desktops, CentOS/Debian for servers
  11. fusa

    BGP IPs being hijacked...

    The real problem is when they "proxy" your traffic. Then the bastards could see all the traffic. There are some ranges announced that are used for spamming and hacking, pre-ARIN/RIPE blocks As a provider you could only monitor this and block those routes
  12. fusa

    Retiring this old box after 10 years :(

    We had a year ago a Pentium 3 Compaq running with 512MB RAM. This was donated to a HAM and is still running great!
  13. fusa

    How do you track your own VPS collection

    Perhaps this could be useful :
  14. fusa

    Atom Dedi

    This must be a reseller, 5TB traffic, Atom, 500GB disk... 20USD must be the mKS 2G model: There are some providers that offer Intel Atom's, but always ask a test IP so you could check if it's hosted at OVH or not...
  15. fusa

    What do you use your Raspberry Pi for?

    I've used a Rasp PI as a 3G router (Huawei 3G stick) and Asterisk server. Someone experience with: or any other Thin Client?
  16. fusa

    Under Targeted dDoS Attack

    Not easy to mitigate a ddos attack. Good luck!