
Search results

  1. johnlth93

    Chunkhost's really iffy ads :(

    The usual bait-and-switch tactic, gonna be bad for business
  2. johnlth93

    -m string of iptables in OpenVZ

    Okay thanks i will contact the provider to see how it is.
  3. johnlth93

    VPN Service that uses port 443/80 without SSL

    Yes, some country does that.
  4. johnlth93

    -m string of iptables in OpenVZ

    Does that mean i can request provider to enable the module? Because from what i see lot of provider doesn't have that.
  5. johnlth93

    VPN Service that uses port 443/80 without SSL

    1) If not mistaken you can setup openvpn without SSL encryption 2) I don't really understand this. I guess you can? 3) I would say Linux but it's up to you which one you're familiar with and can cope with. I would usually go with Debian due to the small memory footprint.
  6. johnlth93

    Feedback on prices for backups/snapshots

    I voted for 15% though it is optional right? I believe it is since you said it's an option. I am not going to opt for backup as i don't really need it for my usage.
  7. johnlth93

    -m string of iptables in OpenVZ

    Hi all vpsBoard members =) I wanted to ask if that the -m string is not supported by OpenVZ? I am using bunch of VPS with OpenVZ and i found out that those i've tested on doesn't support such parameter -m string where as i will get "no chain/target/match by that name" whenever i tried to enter...
  8. johnlth93

    Windows Sidebar Vulnerability (Windows Vista and 7)

    I use Windows 7 but i don't have sidebar enabled, i've removed it from "Windows Features" Just doesn't seem to be useful for me, though it seem cool when it was released along with Windows Vista. I often use the Memory/CPU widget and clock/calender widget that came with it. But i don't use it...
  9. johnlth93

    Hacking Transcend WiFi SD Cards

    I must say, this is the first time i heard of WiFi SD Card. Just go through their website, the product seem to be quite cool (crappy built-in software aside)
  10. johnlth93

    The truth about ColoCrossing

    It seem that I've missed all the fun  ;)
  11. johnlth93

    Looking for Dallas VPS

    Thanks for the offer but i need Dallas specifically this time. Checked your website but it seem that the pricing it kinda off from my expectation. I am looking for a roughly $15/year or < $2/month price point. I am currently having 2 LA vps with you, i will hit you up with a ticket for...
  12. johnlth93

    Looking for Dallas VPS

    Hi, I am looking for Dallas VPS with following specs Let me know what offer you can do for me. Thanks, John Lee
  13. johnlth93

    128MB VPS @ $13.5/year Los Angeles / New York [Cloud Shards]

    Thanks for the review, i will take 1 of the 64mb later for some tests  :)
  14. johnlth93

    New here, am i allowed to ask for input/reviews of my service?

    Educational use? I am a student, would that consider educational use?   :rolleyes:
  15. johnlth93

    Divers almost swallowed by whale

    fuck! I read as that too  :o fuck logic  :D
  16. johnlth93

    Who can offer me the cheapeat vps on the planet?

    Eh ... lifetimepayments ... much?
  17. johnlth93

    Lightweight Bootstrap Template

    The connection to was interrupted. The connection was reset.
  18. johnlth93

    Any interest in these 64MB plans?

    What about the 96mb plan that you mentioned on LET? You're adding both 64mb and 96mb plan? or just the 64mb?
  19. johnlth93

    Any interest in these 64MB plans?

    I would be interested if it's in LA as you said. Gonna put some static page website on there with some of my empty domain  :)
  20. johnlth93

    What are you doing for the 4th of July?

    Celebrate my birthday  ;)