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  1. johnlth93

    Please use time and zone

    Well i get confused too sometimes when provider use PST/EST/EDT/etc We usually use GMT here so I've to go over certain convert site to convert time zone. But it's not really a big deal for me so i never speak up for this matter.
  2. johnlth93

    98 Cent .me domain

    Renewal would cost $18.99 with namecheap Anyway, got 3 of them just for fun  :)
  3. johnlth93

    Using OpenVPN with NAT IPv4 Get one LES @ UK and you should be fine.
  4. johnlth93

    Would you buy a UK KVM?

    I would if you could offer more bandwidth or cheaper add-on bandwidth.
  5. johnlth93

    Setting up IPv6 tunnel

    It's the same thing i tried to achieve earlier but no luck, i will keep an eye on this thread see if any solution.
  6. johnlth93

    Your new VPS is provisioned, what is the first thing you do once you connect?

    mine would be echo 'my prepared source list' > /etc/apt/source.list then only apt-get update upgrade and stuffs
  7. johnlth93

    Weird plane on Google Maps

    Zoom in once still there, another  zoom, it's gone  ;) Oh, i see
  8. johnlth93

    Using OpenVPN with NAT IPv4

    I see, i din't really read the whole thread @ LES (just scroll through :) ) I will double check with that LES @ NL and will get back to TS
  9. johnlth93

    Looking for alpha testers for Feathur (BlueCP)

    Same typo as you posted on LET  ;)
  10. johnlth93

    Looking For Vps Sponsor

    Wait, what? I never talked about anyone before this  :huh: I was actually talking about **ehem** my **ehem** country There was message before this, i have no idea why it became ??? now Maybe OP removed it or something?
  11. johnlth93

    Looking For Vps Sponsor

    Well, government from CERTAIN country doesn't give a damn about English because they though they are so damn good. Just saying  :mellow:
  12. johnlth93

    Non US/EU OpenVZ

    That's because of their "75% less traffic" in HK Try other region, you will find the usual standard 500GB/m offer
  13. johnlth93

    Any VPS hosts that do not use Solus?

    I am sorry but shouldn't this thread be in "VPS Requests" ?
  14. johnlth93

    Using OpenVPN with NAT IPv4

    Can Netherlands watch these particular videos you mentioned? -Edit- read your post on LES forum, seem that you resolve youtube via ipv6 why don't you disable ipv6 of your internet adapter by that you should be able to resolve youtube via ipv4 (vpn in this case)
  15. johnlth93

    What are you using IPv6 for?

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6 This is what i did. My bad  :popcorn:
  16. johnlth93

    Providers - VPS Control Panel Nearly Completed

    Great to hear and good luck I'm not a provider though  :)
  17. johnlth93

    RamNode Down?

  18. johnlth93

    Best vps tutorial site?

    I usually just google as if i needed anything but lowendguide can be a place to start off too thanks to @mikho for the effort on that  :)
  19. johnlth93

    2GB OVZ VS 1.5GB KVM in NYC

    Since the spec are more or less the same, I would go for KVM in this case. I would like the ability to enable certain kernel module myself.