
Search results

  1. T

    IperWeb Prometeus 50 cent VPS

    That's pretty amazing! Don't know why any sane person would cancel it though.
  2. T

    Unmetered bandwidth

    @, I'm really just interested in collating as many unlimited bandwidth VPS's as possible in one location for easy reference. That said, to be of use to me I'd prefer offers of 20mbps and above.  
  3. T

    A VPS index / database

    Not a bad idea. This would overlap quite a bit with serverbear though as they already provide a similar service but with benchmarks as well. There are also quite a few other VPS lists floating around, can't remember them though.
  4. T

    IperWeb Prometeus 50 cent VPS

    I'm still holding on to my 50cent VPS with Prometheus for dear life! Its probably somewhat of a collectors item now :) I only really use it for a private VPN at the moment but its great.
  5. T (from Inception Hosting)

    The future plans for this service are great. I'm sure maybe a few more providers will jump on board and provide their support so that your not the only one putting in the tremendous amount of effort. When I get some more time I will be more active on the LES forums and will help people sort...
  6. T

    $7/m 2GB RAM VPS - Crissic Solutions, LLC

      Does this mean I can get unmetered bandwidth for free with the Micro or Neutron packages?
  7. T

    No Ad DNS Project?

    Great idea! You could use to block access to suspected nasty sites as well :) Although forwarding to could cause problems for people running their own webserver.
  8. T

    Low price offer sites

    Maybe you and serverbear could collaborate to provide integration across both sites. Would be a great partnership in my opinion.
  9. T

    Unmetered bandwidth

    @Enterprisevpssolutions Where are your vps's located?
  10. T

    Unmetered bandwidth

    Thanks for the response. Keep the offers coming, the more the merrier. With regards to port speeds, anything 10mbit or above is acceptable. Not looking for any location in particular, I'm more interested in diversity. @SkylarM Do any of your other offers come with unmetered? 2gb of ram is...
  11. T

    Unmetered bandwidth

    This isn't a request as such but I was wondering what the going rate is for VPS's with unmetered bandwidth these days?  If I see an offer which tempts me enough then I may purchase. Thanks EDIT - I've now decided to make this a bit of a list for quick reference. This list will contain all...
  12. T

    quick PHP question

    maybe post a screenshot of the page to help us understand what your trying to achieve?
  13. T

    Ideas and suggestions for vpsBoard

    I'm not fussed about avatars at all. I've never had one for the two years I've had an account on LET.
  14. T

    ServerDragon OpenVZ O128

    That'd be great :) 
  15. T

    Should vpsBoard have a homepage featuring the latest offers, reviews, and tutorials?

    Maybe providers could donate their resources to the site instead (if they choose to)? I'm sure this site could benefit from multiple locations and other bits and bobs that providers would most likely be willing to donate.
  16. T

    LET Hacked Again

    I hope this site is more secure. We've already been targeted by DOS attacks, the person will probably look for exploits here as well. If it's the same person.
  17. T

    A little challenge

    Wow, that works great. Just would need to figure out how to post the information to the page
  18. T

    VPSBOARD getting attacked now?

    Maybe it would be worth considering adding a POP in Europe to help distribute the load and provide better speed for Europe users?
  19. T

    Welcome back folks

    I assume @Jon is Jon Biloh?
  20. T

    Introduction thread

    Long time LEB reader and quite an active LET user here! I've given up on LET so I've migrated here. Hey everyone :)