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  1. T

    A little challenge

    I have no experience of python whatsoever, could you explain what this code does please?
  2. T

    Should vpsBoard have a homepage featuring the latest offers, reviews, and tutorials?

    I think a front page with offers/reviews would be a great idea. It would be great if admins could "star" a offer/review post to have it displayed on the front page. That way it would reuse the existing content on the forums and present it in an easier to read way without providers having to send...
  3. T

    A little challenge

    You could, but I think the intended solution is different. If you look at the source of the page you will notice that there is a hidden input field which contains something encrypted. I think that encrypted string is the answer. I just don't know what encryption it is.
  4. T

    A little challenge

    This challenge was posted on by mythicbeasts (a hosting company). The purpose of completing this challenge is to be able to apply for a job there at the end but I thought I'd post it here for people to try for fun. Basically its an arithmetic sum which you have to complete in...