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  1. M

    The truth about Mao and BuyVM

    Can't read, too long, work calls.
  2. M

    The Good VPS Provider thread

    RamNode - been a fanboy since just before the Solus hack. Simply outrageous performance for the price, and quite outstanding in every way possible. I'd expected my node performance to degrade significantly as the company gained customers, but I was wrong. If they were a public company I would've...
  3. M

    Computer opinions?

    Just curious, why are you replacing everything when it's just your CPU that died?
  4. M

    No option but to move?

    RamNode added NTT to its mix a couple days ago and the problem is gone! Back down to good ol' 200ms! :wub: |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |...
  5. M

    Web design - need opinions

    Too much red. My eyes!!!
  6. M

    Christmas is a season of giving, so here's a gift to you

    Doesn't display in Chrome, either. Might be the Avast. If it weren't for Sunshine, I'd be thinking you guys were gifting blank spaces.  :)
  7. M

    Indie Game Apps

    Been playing Kairosoft's Beastie Bay for about a week now. Pretty much all their games are great if their formula fits your taste (Game Dev Story, Grand Prix Story, etc.).
  8. M

    ColoCrossing full disclosure

    Disclosing a company's information is fine. Jon does have the wrong idea regarding privately-owned companies vs. secretly-owned companies (e.g. wrongfully assuming that disclosure of commercial DBAs like and is optional). But I'll +1 removing Alex Vial's family...
  9. M

    36TB RAW Backup Server for CHEAP

    That's like buying the drives and getting everything else for free. Too bad this guy here can't even fill 36GB, much less 36TB.
  10. M

    [WTB] 4-8GB SSD VPS

    4GB RAM for $17 before cPanel is going to limit your choices quite a bit. Definitely no Ramnode at that price. 2GB would work, though, if you're willing to spend another buck.
  11. M

    RamNode OpenVZ SSD-Cached 256MB (ATL)

    Yup, can't say enough good things about RamNode. I recently screwed up my backup VPS enough that it needed a LiveCD, and Nick helped me move my stuff out safely. ::thumbup:: Great performance is a given with RamNode. That's not something you can apply to many VPS providers.
  12. M

    World's Tallest, Fastest, water slide Schlitterbahn Kansas City

    Speed slides freak me out too much, but it's going to be fun watching all the tops flying off. 
  13. M

    BuyVM deleting my ticket

    Sorry, I had to.  B)
  14. M

    ISPConfig 3 AutoInstaller for Latest Debian/Ubuntu

    Wow, I needed to find this a couple months ago. Too late.
  15. M

    Home internet speeds

    2.5Mbit/1.0Mbit @ $85/mo.
  16. M

    Quiting smoking.

    Wow, I never realized there were so many vapers and friends-of-vapers here. Great to see. Although I hope your going cold turkey succeeds, if it doesn't, I'd also recommend trying ecigs at some point to steer off almost guaranteed health problems. There's actually a crap ton of different...
  17. M

    BuyVM announces free SSD upgrades on all 256MB+ OpenVZ plans!

    Well, it's plenty fast enough for me already. My little real-world test, which involves the highly difficult process of installing random stuff via Softaculous, shows some flying speeds.  :pony: On a side note, I'm hella surprised by this: [~]# free -m              total       used      ...
  18. M

    BuyVM announces free SSD upgrades on all 256MB+ OpenVZ plans!

    date;dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync;rm test Fri Nov  8 10:46:54 ChST 2013 16384+0 records in 16384+0 records out 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 1.99667 s, 538 MB/s ################################ ioping disk I/O test (custom 4 32 64 256 (KB) request size)...
  19. M

    OpenVZ IO Limits!

    This was my opinion as well. Couldn't get him to admit it, though.