
Search results

  1. M

    OpenVZ IO Limits!

    Is this going to be something like I/O limiting on CloudLinux shared hosts? Because that sucks donkey balls and worse for the customer. I'd much rather have a non-limited box where the provider is proactive in kicking out real abusers and letting normal users get on with their lives. Me, to SSD...
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    BitCoins for dummies. How to get started with them?

    Use your nVidia card for folding, your AMD card for mining? I'm so expert.
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    Backing up game bundles to VPS

    NVM, using DO's VNC console.  :P
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    Simplest VPN server possible?

    Uh I'm probably not the one to ask about kernels and such (0 knowledge to share). But enabling PPP has never been difficult on providers I've tried installing VPNs on so far. Just a simple click from SolusVM or whatever WHMCS-integrated panel the provider uses, then reboot (if not done...
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    No option but to move?

    @HalfEatenPie Wow, thanks, that's a lot of helpful information, and you pretty much nailed the assumptions. I'm in the Northern Mariana Islands, one step downstream from Guam, and my ISP is indeed IT&E. I guess I'll shoot them an email, though how much weight it's going to carry is a big...
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    Simplest VPN server possible?
  7. M

    No option but to move?

    Could you provide a link I can look up? I seem to be confused.
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    Well that was fun

    There are also a lot of little-known hacks that admins don't publicize/never realize. Some douche tried to pay for his Thailand vacation and hotel breakfast using one of my rarely-used credit cards a few months back.
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    No option but to move?

    I've been working on a regional forum in my free time, on Seattle SSD VPS space from a provider I like quite a lot (Ramnode). Problem is, there's been this really annoying high-ping issue that came up a few months ago and won't go away. I've asked @Nick_A about this and he says there's nothing...
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    Well that was fun

    Go fill out the paperwork ASAP. The bank wants you to miss your deadline so they can just sit on their butts and not solve your problem, you know.
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    Taking a couple years off... College

    @KuJoe I respect your personal experience but a lot depends on the school, and what that school wants to make you into. The CS101 class at my school 14 years ago was definitely not something anyone with a day job could do without prior mastery of the subject, as it jumped straight into...
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    HostUS / Master Resellers / 50% Off / Cloudlinux/Nginx / SSD MySQL / Daily Backups

    Solid host, amazing value, insomniac support. I haven't logged in after the first month (Atlanta is the entire Pacific Ocean and continental USA away from where I live) but sometimes you like a host enough to keep paying. Or maybe I'm just nutty. But after a lot of searching and money spent...
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    HostUS ** KVM VPS ** 1Gbit/s ** Atlanta ** 50% recurring discount! **

    I've had a reseller hosting account with HostUS for a couple months now, and Alexander is a great person to deal with. Dunno if he sleeps. :-)
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    RobertClarke/Server Crate back ?

    I've been on a Report ticket going back and forth with bear from WHT on this. Basically, he's aware of the accusations but apparently hasn't seen any concrete evidence that Robert Clarke ran the exploit. If any of you possess evidence, I'd suggest you open up a ticket and send him some, as I'm...
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    $5.00 per Year cPanel Shared Hosting from BlueVM - Resellers from $1.99 /Mo!

    Have they fixed their nameservers? Anyone successfully use ns1 and I kept my account but pointed away my domain because nobody seemed to be able to resolve this. It could be a fluke with my account... but it definitely didn't work for me whatever I tried, and I don't want to be...