
Search results

  1. Clouvider-Dom

    CrocWeb using OVH?

    Ask them. It seems weird to put your website out when you run your own network and maintain own hardware presence.
  2. Clouvider-Dom


    We have a Customer running Kernel Care who is very happy with this service. I would definitely recommend if you need to avoid reboots.
  3. Clouvider-Dom

    Cloud VPS is really cloud?

    That depends. Guys like Amazon and Digital Ocean call their services a cloud while using a single hypervisor with a local storage, so you really have to explain how your infrastructure works to the Customer, especially mentioning all HA features.
  4. Clouvider-Dom

    How to direct visitors from certain countries to a different landing page?

    You can use GeoIP on the web server level or in your PHP scripts. More blunt way would be blocking IP by country by CSF, but it's not the most accurate and it won't redirect but they just won't be able to connect.
  5. Clouvider-Dom

    Is it worth having multiple SSD?

    Well, it can fail tomorrow or after 5 years, as with any drive. If you host anything in production you should always have at least RAID 1
  6. Clouvider-Dom

    Anti Spam Protection

    For Spam Protection I would definitely recommend Spam Experts :). They do outgoing too.
  7. Clouvider-Dom

    [UK, London] Dedicated Servers SALE! Starting at just £29.99 from Clouvider!

    Hey @HalfEatenPie We are located in Virtus 1 (London, Enfield). There are a few pictures and time-lapse on the Sale landing page: We can provide test files and test IPs on request.
  8. Clouvider-Dom

    [UK, London] Dedicated Servers SALE! Starting at just £29.99 from Clouvider!

    DEDICATED SERVERS SALE Special WHT offer! Enter promotional code 7TB6PVS9NZ to pay just £29.99 for the first month! Servers are located in our London facility. We operate 10Gbit/s Core Network. Test IPv4: Test IPv6: 2a04:92c1:1:2::7 Each server is connected to N+N resilient...
  9. Clouvider-Dom

    [UK, London] Colocation from £35 / month from Clouvider!

    Clouvider’s Colocation give you the highest levels of performance and reliability. Your servers will be housed in a London datacentre with excellent network connectivity. We offer 100% SLA for Network, Power and Environment. 24/7/365 phone and e-mail customer support is available, with 24/7...
  10. Clouvider-Dom

    [UK, London] - Pure SSD / SAS Cloud VPS 55% off for life! From just £4.5/mo from Clouvider

    Clouvider’s PURE SSD / SAS Cloud Servers give you the highest levels of performance and reliability with full root access to give you unparalleled control. Your Cloud Server will be housed in a London datacentre with excellent network connectivity. We offer 100% SLA for Network, Power and...
  11. Clouvider-Dom

    [UK, London] Dedicated Servers SALE! Starting at just £29.99 from Clouvider!

    Clouvider’s PURE SSD / SAS Cloud Servers give you the highest levels of performance and reliability with full root access to give you unparalleled control. Your Cloud Server will be housed in a London datacentre with excellent network connectivity. We offer 100% SLA for Network, Power and...
  12. Clouvider-Dom

    Best place to find coders?

    We are working closely with a programming agency, that's also our Customer. They aren't the cheapest but provide an excellent quality code. Their website:, or just email artur ( a t ) (they have no problems communicating in English).
  13. Clouvider-Dom

    VPS with cPanel

    We can do: 512 MB DDR3 250 GB Monthly transfer 20 GB SAS HA SAN 1 CPU Core cPanel License included for $20 USD + VAT (if applicable). This is a Custom package, so please drop me a PM if you're interested. For more information please visit our website at:
  14. Clouvider-Dom

    I'm after a vps supplier that accepts bitcoin, suggestions please?

    Clouvider accepts Bitcoin. Have a look at our discounted VPSBoard offer here: Or our website:
  15. Clouvider-Dom

    Looking For Single Server Colo

    By just about anywhere you mean Europe is ok too ? We can do 1.5A for £79 / mo + VAT. 1Hr remote hands / mo included. Free racking /29 IPv4 /64 IPv6 Month-to-month contract. PM me if you're interested : ).
  16. Clouvider-Dom

    Mr. Robot - New TV Show from the TV Channel USA

    Do they broadcast it in UK? If yes, what channel anyone knows? I wasn't able to find unfortunately.
  17. Clouvider-Dom

    Help with this please(nameservers)

    You can always create your own servers with your own hosts. It's rather not compulsory to use the provider's DNS servers.
  18. Clouvider-Dom

    WHMCS - how to create promo for single clients

    I would do a very detailed promo code, limited in use, limited to appropriate services and with a short expiry. Isn't it easier to just take the order off WHMCS for the Customer and then enter it manually, or to apply a discount on the standard price after the order is placed? Unless you want...
  19. Clouvider-Dom

    DigitalOcean raised $83 million in Series B funding

    Will see how long until their VC investors will look into heaving an actual return on this investment.
  20. Clouvider-Dom

    [UK, London] Dedicated Servers SALE! Starting at just £29.99 from Clouvider!

    DEDICATED SERVERS SALE Special WHT offer! Enter promotional code 7TB6PVS9NZ to pay just £29.99 for the first month! Servers are located in our Virtus London facility. We operate 10Gbit/s Core Network. Test IPv4: Test IPv6: 2a04:92c1:1:2::7 Each server is connected to N+N...