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  1. Clouvider-Dom

    [UK, London] Colocation from £35 / month from Clouvider!

    Clouvider’s Colocation give you the highest levels of performance and reliability. Your servers will be housed in a Virtus London datacentre with excellent network connectivity. We offer 100% SLA for Network, Power and Environment. 24/7/365 phone and e-mail customer support is available, with...
  2. Clouvider-Dom

    [UK, London] - Pure SSD / SAS Cloud VPS 55% off for life! From just £4.5/mo from Clouvider

    Clouvider’s PURE SSD / SAS Cloud Servers give you the highest levels of performance and reliability with full root access to give you unparalleled control. Your Cloud Server will be housed in a Londondatacentre with excellent network connectivity. We offer 100% SLA for Network, Power and...
  3. Clouvider-Dom

    New WebHostingTalk Site!

    Up until yesterday for some reason I WYSWIG editor was set to write right to left... This is fixed now. Despite we have Corporate Membership, the shortened time between posts is not working...  Many fixes yet to come :).
  4. Clouvider-Dom

    Server and domain monitoring tool I made

    That looks nice! Keep working on it and one day you might really do a great business with this app!
  5. Clouvider-Dom

    New WebHostingTalk Site!

    Quite frankly I don't really like this new design. Looks as ugly as the previous one and is even less functional...
  6. Clouvider-Dom

    What's for Lunch?

    @Aldryic C'boas this one looks really nice... Pity is so late already ;).
  7. Clouvider-Dom

    Why Don't Providers Do This One Simple Thing ... To Make More Money?

    Most of providers I know will let you pre-pay for their services, either using bank transfer or PayPal/CC. Providers using 2Checkout may be more reluctant to do so, as according to our experience 2CO won't approve the Company's billing system if it allows 2CO to be used for adding credit.
  8. Clouvider-Dom

    SSD Hard Drives Going Read Only

    Yep. SSDs going read only usually mean that they are either close to their end of write cycles or over it already. It is always recommended to replace the drive to prevent any possible data loss.
  9. Clouvider-Dom

    No socket connect to server

    Yes, if you have unmanaged option however, can you tell us where exactly is this error visible? Can you upload a screen shoot ?
  10. Clouvider-Dom

    Do you use Bitcoin?

    We accept Bitcoin, but as others have pointed it's unstable, so we convert BTC into GBP on the same day. There wasn't much interest in Bitcoin though. I can count Customers using BitCoin with us on fingers of one hand.
  11. Clouvider-Dom

    How to monitor how many seconds server is down?

    I don't know any reasonably priced service that would allow you to monitor every 1 second. If 1 minute is enough go for Pingdom, Hyperspin or any other. You can always write own script that will do it every 1s.
  12. Clouvider-Dom

    Postfix + Mandrill Bounce Notifications

    exactly. Mandrill is not designed to be a mail forwarder. They enabled SMTP so your App can continue to use SMTP methods for legacy, not to serve as an intermediary mail server.
  13. Clouvider-Dom

    Windows server Datacenter question

    Exactly. The biggest difference is the number of licensed VMs  Look at this one to see the differences between editions: Definitely recommending going for w2k12, w2k8 is already pretty old.
  14. Clouvider-Dom

    SNMP MIB Browser

    I've Googled out this one: Is that any good for you?
  15. Clouvider-Dom

    What browser are you using?

    I usually use Chrome it's the most intuitive for me and has a great catalogue of useful addons.
  16. Clouvider-Dom

    Ways to take backups of whole VPS.

    You want to do this backup from the Hypervisor or from inside the VM? What virtualisation ?
  17. Clouvider-Dom

    Thoughts on public shaming / blacklist of accounts in negative standing?

    Privacy laws and T&C's that you might have in place might be the biggest obstacle in doing so. I don't think 'public shaming' would go through anywhere in Europe TBH.
  18. Clouvider-Dom

    VPS with cPanel

    I would recommend going for 1 GB of memory if you need cPanel. The apps installed by cPanel itself would almost use up your memory, and using SWAP all the time is not really the greatest idea.
  19. Clouvider-Dom

    Any experience with virtualizor?

    I know Solus is not looking the most beautiful but it's functional. Solus VM has recently been acquired by OnApp. I would recommend going for it and giving them a bit of time to improve the look and introduce new features. OnApp has pumped in a lot of money in Solus recently and they will keep...
  20. Clouvider-Dom

    3 ssd disk array, what raid level can I use?

    Depending on the amount of space you need I would recommend upgrading to 4th drive and going for RAID10. If 1x SSD size space is enough I would recommend going for RAID1. RAID5 is not recommended for SSDs due to large number of write cycles that may significantly shorten your SSD lifespan. 