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  1. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    xD that sounds like my nosy next door neighbor you actually googled it then clicked the view cached page button lol you was all up into it like an action pack movie but it's kewl but yeah hostior all you had to do was submit an ticket the guy was willing to sell you anything ... pretty much even...
  2. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    yes the admin or whoever was in that support ticket sold me an cpanel vps for an very reasonable price ... wow you are an very nosy person ... no offense
  3. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    stop joking nodepacket does not even sell reseller hosting :D neither cpanel/whm vps's
  4. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    duke you on skype right now? i sent the request like 10 mins ago
  5. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    oh i would never do that ... free service is usally much worse than bluevm... an no its obviously larger than 1 dollar if i take your advice all my clients will file disputes LOL
  6. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    not interested i had bought from them in the past an the server load went up to 90 at one point "they stuff servers" and very true what it says in their terms you get what you pay for that's exactly what you get but much less
  7. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    yeah sorry for my poor grammar i'm on my smartphone so typing is kind of difficult ... LOL
  8. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    oh no i've already kept my hosting site up for 6 months so far and aiming to keep it going for another 20 years an sure i'll hit you up on skype ;)
  9. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    but croc web should really get a better logo it looks like an 3 year old made it x_X
  10. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    i just edited it ;)
  11. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    K thanks i'll be considering crocweb then let me look a little further and if i don't find anyone i suppose i'll give crocweb a try
  12. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    if you have an vps and already making 1,000 dollars per month pure profits reselling its space and have over 500 clients why not give someone space on the vps like 1 gb bandwidth and 1 gb disksapce why not look at this helpless topic on vps board an make an move and offer me something ...
  13. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    ok i'm finally done checking them all out and they all look like they are ran by three year old's they don't seem too look like serious companies <_< so nah not gonna buy from them but will continue looking for other opportunities
  14. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    EXACTLY!!! hostior sold me 1 yr of hosting an shut down .... before the 1 year was up so i don't want the same thing to happen to me at crissic i asked them to give me 6 months for 10 instead of 12 months for 20 but they denied crissic domain is only around 3 months old its hard to trust an...
  15. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    and if you can sell reseller service for 20 a yr you can sell it for 10 for 6 months the fact they wont do that tell's everyone automatically what their future plans are trust me they won't be open for over an year ... if there plans was to then they'd take the 10 dollars ... if they shut down...
  16. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    what the heck i went on wht an looked up to like the 5th page and did not see none of those i was on WHT 2 or 3 days ago so those must be all very new i'm going to check them out now tho about crissic i was with i had bought 1 yr of hosting type the domain in an hopefully you'll get...
  17. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    hopefully by tomorrow host4geeks greenvalue an primehost will be ready to offer they haven't seen the topic yet i hope they see it soon tho
  18. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    expensive to me is more than what i'm earning right now from clients i need an package that i see my profits with 
  19. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    its not 35 cents its only 35 cents for the 1st month then it get's expensive ... 
  20. 1

    Expired Promo Codes

    LOL i think i just laughed 