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  1. K

    Silk Road raided by the FBI

  2. K

    How do I create an .openvpn file?

    Yeah, OSX users should be using tunnelblick i believe, and the config is slightly different, some of the options you would use traditionally break the configuration files etc, Just start with a minimal as config and build on top with your common .ovpn settings. For OpenVPN Connect related...
  3. K

    Increase PE size without recreation?

    Sounds like Logical Volume Manage stuff.  I could be wrong will have to wait :D. Expanding things is generally painless.
  4. K

    Silk Road raided by the FBI

    Another one bites the dust. Wonder what will spring up in its place, or who is second in line to take all the users.
  5. K

    [Bikers] This guy is the man! [Push]

    AHAHAHHA NO WAY!!!  Its true story, nice one
  6. K

    Ding! Dong! Santrex is dead!

    Good call. Should take some bets on the # threads that'll spawn in the coming days. Profit can still be generated from this situation!
  7. K

    [Bikers] This guy is the man! [Push]

    Yeah I saw this going around on Facebook the other day. Idiot biker cuts off pulls in front slows down like a moron. I prolly would have freaked as well and went over, if only they watched more movies about going into busy traffic. Its always where the action takes place ;/ Is there an actual...
  8. K

    [Bikers] This guy is the man! [Push]

    I couldn't do it to myself! - Guy gets $50 fine for not using bike lane.   Casey Neistat teaches us about riding in bike lanes in New York City.
  9. K

    What are you listening to right now?

  10. K

    Remote file uploader / sync / offloader

    You can have rsync trigger on file modification etc -> I use this for some real time syncing stuff. Can get a bit heavily involved though, perhaps why its not so commonly mentioned. But I've been using this for yonks ahahha   Hope this helps ^_^
  11. K

    DailyServerDeals - New website for VPS and Server offers - Built from the ground up and ready for ac

    The traffic will flow with ease if you ask me. Those screenies look great - 'Filter Plan' gave me a hard on :D
  12. K

    Postfix - encrypt incoming mail

    As long as I can find doc/man pages, I should be good if i get stuck. If I'm feeling super lazy, I may pester you :D Cheers
  13. K

    24khost We back folks

    Welcome back, glad to see you getting back into it, rebuilding rather than never returning. What a shitter on the expansion man, an expensive way to be learning :(
  14. K

    Ding! Dong! Santrex is dead!

    Aww, that's just sad. They were friggen popular back in the day. I actually discovered LEB/LET because i was trying to find another provider who was dirty cheap. What I found was treasure! Worst uptime ever, but for what we were using them back then for, it was to be expected!
  15. K

    Postfix - encrypt incoming mail

    Sanku, I've just fired up a container to give this a blast on.  Have a perfect scenario to use it with.
  16. K

    BREACH Compression Attack Steals HTTPS Secrets in Under 30 Seconds

    A serious attack against ciphertext secrets buried inside HTTPS responses has prompted an advisory from Homeland Security. The BREACH attack is an offshoot of CRIME, which was thought dead and buried after it was disclosed in September. Released at last week’s Black Hat USA 2013, BREACH enables...
  17. K

    Overclock your brain today!

    AHHAHAHA you know it. Who will be the first to officially get fried.  My head... hurts. Tails can fly. These devices will replace coffee, because the effort required to make it !
  18. K

    Overclock your brain today!

    I stumbled across this WTF, and I'm not sure this tech is completely safe. I wonder what kind of things could be done if being used for negative purposes. After an...
  19. K

    “What Is That Box?” — When The NSA Shows Up At Your Internet Company

    Wonder what uptime service they would use ahahahah
  20. K

    “What Is That Box?” — When The NSA Shows Up At Your Internet Company

    Was just having a jack at p  NSA rolling up to the DC with hardware to start monitoring. But what can you do? I didn't even consider gag orders. I always thought blowing the whistle would be...