
Search results

  1. K

    Raspberry Pi power! Spy on drones!

    This is pretty interesting use for the Raspberry PI  RT clip: 
  2. K

    What are you listening to right now?

    I have one site thats fixes all my music needs. Listening to right now? Well I just woke up, so I'm freshly fresh and need energy kick for the day; <-- every now and then...
  3. K

    Which OS do you use and why?

    This household runs Ubuntu, and if the missus comes home and her rig or laptop has windows booted up, she goes completely rank. Every now and then to develop/test VPN software releases I'll fire up a few different windows vm's. Or _IF_ not enough resources and to many tabs and files open, I'll...
  4. K

    Whats your home connection speed?

    Using an ISP called for Naked DSL - I highly recommend if you are in Brisbane or Sydney etc. For the first 7 years here in Australia I was with Optus. Never reached above 4mbit. Finally stopped being lazy and took the possible 21 days without interwebz. Was 3 days without...
  5. K

    SSH Attacks

    Setup a honeypot as mentioned, its quite interesting. Most get turned into mail servers used for massive amounts of spam ^_^
  6. K

    Help me save my connection!

    Way to funny. Setup all these unprotected networks for fun.