
04Jan Outage


Company Lube
Verified Provider
It may be an expense, but safety should always come first.  Why not replace all questionable cables?  Understandably, you say this is rare.  Is it worth the chance of someone not catching it and something turning to rubble?  I've had a house burn down and can tell you it's not worth the chance.  Be safe :p'

@Aldryic C'boas, I have some family that are firefighters and have lived with a few.  Much respect.
Cost is no concern, i've already been making a list of what cables to replace :)

I got some of the fatty cables here that I'll drop in during one of our maint windows tomorrow.



Don't take me seriously!
Verified Provider
In 5+ years as a fireman, I've _NEVER_ seen any type of electrical burn/fire (or any type of burn/fire) be uniform.
Of course, my bad, what I meant was basically, you of all people should be able to tell that it's probably originally due to 'other reasons', rather than originating by an electrical fault. That is unless there were fewer strands in that part of the cable for example then it's possible. ;-)


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
Well, that was rather annoying.  My apologies for the downtime folks - the power cable on KVM06 (which is hosting VPSB's SQL) was apparently of.. import quality:


The damn thing actually burned itself up, and brought the node offline.  Fran's checking on all of the other cables now to ensure we don't have a repeat of this.
Reminds me of the time in 2001 I received a call from ServInt at 2AM in the morning telling me the power supply on one of my servers had shorted out and the server was a total loss (motherboard, hard drives both got fried when the power supply blew).
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Well-Known Member
Verified Provider
I <3 Monoprice's 1ft and 3ft power cables. We buy them in bulk and have had 0 issues with them and cable management is a dream when you don't have 10ft power cables that are near impossible to manage if you don't use cable management arms.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Fran got hungry obviously!
There is a name for that behavior when horses start chewing up the stalls and such.  It's called cribbing and is caused by nutrient deficiencies.

Pregnant women are notorious for the same crazy behavior.


New Member
I always use Tripplite heavy-duty cable when I power up a server that has "PC" size cords that came with it(paranoid about losing power supplies). Most time when I pull something from Ebay and it comes with a power cord, the cord looks like it's for a regular pc; recently bought a new HP DL360 and the cords that it came with were heavy guage wire, so I didn't use Tripplite power cable on this particular colo machine. I have had two experiences with machines that had cords that were so thin and had become so hot, that I decided that if the machine was going to be working hard and pulling AMPs, it's going to need some good quality power cables that are well insulated and of heavy gauge wire. 


New Member
Verified Provider
Seen this at work several times - customers bought PCs, they ended up with a faulty or cheap power cable, similar end result to above.

And that's on a standard desktop computer, that's probably not even 2A :(