100% Tier-1 Gogent
I like devonblzx! Good reply.To be fair, we never "dumped" anyone. We offered free hosting for a month to all their shared/reseller customers and offered an avenue for you to obtain your data. We never arranged to take on any shared/reseller customers because we don't offer CPanel shared hosting services.
We also never dumped VPS clients. We sent emails regarding offers and asked for a deposit. For example, if they had 6 months of their year left, we asked them to pay for an additional year and we would honor 18 months of service, or offered a plan that was viable for us. We found about half of the customers weren't even using their service anymore, so it made sense for us to do that as we are no longer reserving resources for clients who moved on after the initial downtime or never used their service to begin with.
DeanClinton, I feel for you.. how many dineros were you paid up on and owed?